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- From: "Robert Hunter" <bob_leonora.hunter AT>
- To: "Corpus-paul" <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: Paul and the Law
- Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 20:30:53 -0330
I’m currently writing a research paper on some historical and current viewpoints on Paul and the Law. The writings that I’m planning to consider in it are: Martin Luther’s Treatise on Christian Liberty (1520) and Lectures on Galatians (1535) E. P. Sanders’ Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977) Hans Hübner’s Law in Paul’s Thought (1978; ET,1984) Heikki Räisänen’s Paul and the Law (1983) James D. G. Dunn’s Jesus, Paul and the Law (1990) N. T. Wright’s The Climax of the Covenant (1991) Thomas R. Schreiner’s The Law and Its Fulfilment (1993) Frank Thielman’s Paul and the Law (1994) Colin G. Kruse’s Paul, the Law, and Justification (1996) What other in-print books would members of Corpus Paulinum recommend that I also consider? After I complete the paper, I’ll be beginning work on my dissertation, which will be on Paul’s view of the Law in Philippians. What works would members of Corpus Paulinum recommend that I include in my research on the topic besides the writings listed above and standard works on Philippians? Robert Hunter, student Louisiana Baptist University bob_leonora.hunter AT
Paul and the Law,
Robert Hunter, 02/03/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Paul and the Law, Jeff Krantz, 02/04/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Robert Hunter, 02/04/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Jim Hester, 02/04/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, John Dickson, 02/04/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Thomas A. Kopecek, 02/04/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Jeff Krantz, 02/05/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Robert Hunter, 02/07/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Elli Elliott, 02/07/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Mark D. Nanos, 02/08/2000
- Re: Paul and the Law, Antonio Jerez, 02/08/2000
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