corpus-paul AT
Subject: Corpus-Paul
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- From: "Jeffrey B. Gibson" <jgibson000 AT>
- To: Corpus-paul <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: Re: C-P: Paul and Plato
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 17:02:50 -0500
"David C. Hindley" wrote:
> Liz, Mark and lurking listers,
> Perhaps at this point in the discussion we should turn to some of the
> traditional authorities regarding the possible relationship between middle
> Platonism and early Christianity?
Though I am still firmly convinced that the primary matrix for Paul's thought
beliefs is Jewish apocalypticsm, perhaps, as we entertain where Paul's
Platonism comes from, we also entertain the suggestion that, if it *is*
there. its
point of origin is neither middle Platonism or Gnosticism, but, as Bruce W.
Winter and
others have begun to argue, Stoicism
For a review of a recent of Winter's book on this subject , _Philo and Paul
among the
Sophists_. Society for New Testament Studies 96. Cambridge: Cambridge
Press, 1997-- see online review that appeared in Bryn Mawr Classical Review
This is available at:
Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626
e-mail jgibson000 AT
Re: C-P: Paul and Plato
, (continued)
- Re: C-P: Paul and Plato, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 07/11/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Liz Fried, 07/11/1999
- Re: C-P: Paul and Plato, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 07/11/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Liz Fried, 07/11/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Mark D. Nanos, 07/11/1999
- Re: C-P: Paul and Plato, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 07/11/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Liz Fried, 07/11/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Mark D. Nanos, 07/12/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Jerry Sumney, 07/12/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, David C. Hindley, 07/12/1999
- Re: C-P: Paul and Plato, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 07/12/1999
- Re: C-P: Paul and Plato, David C. Hindley, 07/15/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Liz Fried, 07/15/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Liz Fried, 07/19/1999
- Re: C-P: Paul and Plato, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 07/19/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Liz Fried, 07/19/1999
- RE: C-P: Paul and Plato, Jerry Sumney, 07/29/1999
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