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Subject: Corpus-Paul
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- From: "Wieland Willker" <willker AT>
- To: "Corpus Paulinum" <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters
- Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 08:59:34 +0200
This is the view of Juergen Becker in his book
"Paulus" (Mohr Siebeck, 3rd ed. 1998):
1 Thess 50/51
1 Cor 54
2 Cor B (part) 54
2 Cor C (part) 54
Philemon 54/55
Phil (part) 54/55
Gal 56
2 Cor A (part) 56
Rom 56
It is his view that some letters are not homogeneous, but a mixed set of 2
or more letters. This mixing occured quite early and we have only internal
evidence for it.
For example:
2 Cor A 1:1-2:13 + 7:5-16
2 Cor B rest
2 Cor C ch. 10-13
Phil A 1:1-3:1 + 4:1-7 + 4:10-23
Phil B 3:2-21 + 4:8f
Best wishes
Wieland Willker
willker AT
Egerton Homepage:
Secret Mark Homepage:
Chronological order of the Pauline Letters,
Williams, Wes, 03/30/1999
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Licia Kuenning, 03/30/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Chris Cutler, 03/30/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Jim West, 03/30/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 03/30/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Jim West, 03/30/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 03/30/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Wieland Willker, 03/31/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, Jim West, 03/31/1999
- Re: Chronological order of the Pauline Letters, J.E.Harding, 03/31/1999
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