----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 07:21
Subject: [Cc-.rs/.yu] distribution
Vracam se na temu o ovom konceptu, posto mislim da ima smisla
Distribution na engleskom znaci
|ˌdistrəˈbyoō sh ən| |ˈdɪstrəˌbjuʃən| |dɪstrɪˌbjuːʃ(ə)n| (abbr.: distr.)
the action of
sharing something out among a number of recipients : the government donated 4,000 pounds of coffee for
distribution among refugees.
the way in which something is
shared out among a group or spread over an area : changes undergone by the area have affected the
distribution of its wildlife.
the action or process of
supplying goods to stores and other businesses that sell to consumers :
a manager has the choice of
four types of distribution |
[as adj. ] an
distribution channel.
the different number of cards
of each suit in a player's hand : strength has two ingredients, high cards and
Prevod koncepta "distribution right" u nasim zakonima "pravo na
stavljanje (cega god) u promet" ima smisla, posto mi rijec latinskog
porijekla, "distribucija" koristimo u raznim kontekstima i cesto ima
neprecizno znacenje. Dakle, nema logike bukvalno prevoditi "pravo na
stavljanje (cega god) u promet" na engleski jezik, nego cemo mi to prevesti
kao "distribution right", kada prevodimo na engleski. Razni koncepti bilo koje
vrste se ne prevode bukvalno u razlicite jezike, nego se traze ekvivalenti
konkretnog znacenja, pa makar se takav ekvivalent sastojao i od "cijele
recenice", pogotovo ako se radi o konceptima cija pogresna interpretacija moze
da ima neke posljedice, kao sto je to slucaj u Pravu...
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