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cc-metadata - Re: Creative Commons Metadata for Wiki

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Subject: discussion of the Creative Commons Metadata work

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  • From: Evan Prodromou <evan AT>
  • To: discussion of the Creative Commons Metadata work <cc-metadata AT>
  • Subject: Re: Creative Commons Metadata for Wiki
  • Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 23:00:23 -0400

>>>>> "ML" == Mike Linksvayer <ml AT> writes:

ML> I did (finally) just make a comment on the wiki, reproduced
ML> below:

So, thanks for looking over the document. I responded on-wiki, but for
the sake of completeness I'll copy the response here.

ML> In the example, why are the values for dc:identifier and
ML> source not rdf:resources, as are dc:creator, publisher,
ML> creator, and rights?

For identifier: I think the point of rdf:resource is to refer to some
resource that contains the answer to the question. "Who is the creator
of this page?" "The answer is here:";. But
the identifier for a Web page isn't at the URL; it is the URL. So I
think that the URL should stay content, not an rdf:resource.

However, for source, I think you're correct: the source is the content
at the URL, not the URL itself. So I'll update that on the wiki page,
and try to do the same in the MediaWiki and PmWiki metadata.

ML> Regarding Creative Commons metadata: it is not different than
ML> DC RDF. The former extends the latter.

I think you may be mistaken as to the extensibility of _Simple_ DC
RDF/XML metadata. It's defined in a DTD, and doesn't leave much room
to change the elements available.

The _Qualified_ DC RDF can be extended, but it's different.

I think it makes some sense to support both.


Evan Prodromou <evan AT>
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