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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Plural of חֵרֵשׁ (deaf)

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  • From: Pere Porta <pporta7 AT>
  • To: George Athas <George.Athas AT>
  • Cc: B-Hebrew <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Plural of חֵרֵשׁ (deaf)
  • Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 17:27:58 +0200

Hi, George.

Let me put a previous question:

Why do you assume that the first sere should be reduced to hatef patah in
your view?
Why not to hatef segol?
Would it not be more logical that a sere becomes hatef segol (and not hatef
patah) when reduced?


Pere Porta
(Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)

2011/4/7 George Athas <George.Athas AT>

> Hi Pere!
> Firstly, 'reduction' is a technical term meaning to remove a vowel and have
> its place taken by a shewa. So, that's we are observing with the second sere
> in חֵרְשִׁים.
> Secondly, the examples you give for proving your point are all verbs. Since
> verbs follow their own verb paradigms with distinctive features for each
> stem, of course you will find things different there. The 'normal
> conditions' I was referring to was the declension of the noun. What happens
> in verb conjugations is not germane to what happens in noun declensions. By
> proper grammatical process, the first sere in חֵרְשִׁים should become a
> hatef-patah through vowel reduction, leaving the second sere intact. My
> question is, why does this not happen?
> Moore Theological College (Sydney, Australia)
> From: Pere Porta <pporta7 AT<mailto:pporta7 AT>>
> Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 07:34:10 +0200
> To: George Athas <george.athas AT<mailto:
> george.athas AT>>
> Cc: B-Hebrew <b-hebrew AT<mailto:b-hebrew AT
> >>
> Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Plural of חֵרֵשׁ (deaf)
> George,
> I would say that in חֵרְשִׁים the second sere of חֵרֵשׁ does not get
> reduced. it simply vanishes and a shewa takes its place.
> You assume that "under normal conditions" the first tsere would get
> reduced. But this is not true.
> a) first root consonant guttural:
> In Gn 5:29 ------- אֵרְרָהּ, he cursed her (Some codexes have hatef patah
> and not shewa)
> b) first root consonant other than guttural:
> In Jb 6:7 -------- מֵאֲנָה, she rejected (and not מֲאֵנָה)
> In Ps 129:8 ------- בֵּרַכְנוּ, we blessed, of בֵּרֵךְ (Ps 10:3)
> As for a reference:
> -1. First of all my own work on Hebrew patterns (named "Oham" = Otsar
> ha-mishqalym), where I've deeply studied about nine thousand (9,000)
> patterns.
> -2. The Academy of the Hebrew Language stated: Nouns having sere in their
> first syllable and also in their second one drop the second sere and take
> shewa instead, with the following exception:
> They take segol and not shewa when suffixes -kha, -khem or -khen are added;
> but if the second root consonant is guttural a patah replaces the segol.
> But remark: the first sere remains.
> Of course, I can give you the Academy's exact reference if it is of your
> interest.
> I hope this will be useful and helpful.
> Kind regards from
> Pere Porta
> (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
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Pere Porta

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