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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Overview and comments on Furuli, A New Understanding of the Ve...

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Subject: Biblical Hebrew Forum

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  • From: Awohili AT
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Cc: Awohili AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Overview and comments on Furuli, A New Understanding of the Ve...
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:55:49 EDT

Although the Furuli dissertation and the New World Translation have become
intertwined in this discussion, I cannot help but question the connection.
the appendix of the NWT Reference Bible (3C, "Hebrew Verbs Indicating
Continuous or Progressive Action") the publishers make clear the reasons for
NWT renderings, with examples going back to Benjamin Wills Newton 1888, and
including the work of James Washington Watts in 1963.

So, where is Furuli in any of this, that he has to "defend" the readings of
the New World Translation, or harbor such a defense as some sort of secret
agenda? The New World Translation is in actual use by millions of people
over the world, and has been rendered in 57 different languages. It is
perhaps the most critiqued Bible in the world, and stands on its own.

Unlike many here, I have also read Furuli's dissertation and book. It is
his own work, and in my estimation, it is not congenitally tied to the
of the New World Translation. I really feel these two matters are not
connected at all. If Furuli's conclusions do not conflict with some
readings of
the NWT, that is no more sinister than the conclusions of other scholars who
are or were not Jehovah's Witnesses, and who have not read the New World

Solomon Landers

" The one loving his soul will lose it, and the one hating his soul in this
world will find it, for life forever."
–- Coptic John 12:25

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