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b-hebrew - Re: Date of the Exodus (quite short)

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  • From: "Peter Kirk"<peter_kirk AT>
  • To: <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: Date of the Exodus (quite short)
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 11:55:11 -0500

Dear Banyai Michael,

Thsnk you for this suggestion. I remember seeing this theory put
forward many years ago, in "Reader's Digest" of all places; most of
the plagues of Egypt could be attributed to the results of the
eruption of Thera. But I'm not so sure about your pillar of fire -
surely it was in the wrong direction?

It is interesting that your dating ties up closely with the
conventional dating of Pharaoh Dudimose of the 13th dynasty, whom
David Rohl identifies as the Pharaoh of the Exodus (though Rohl
redates him to the 15th century). Rohl also quotes from Manetho as
quoted by Josephus: "Tutimaos [Dudimose]. In his reign, for what cause
I know not, a blast of God smote us". This "blast of God" could well
describe the eruption of Thera as well as the plagues. But Rohl does
not make the link to Thera, perhaps because it does not fit with his
datings; he quotes evidence from Tell ed-Daba dating the eruption of
Thera to the early 18th dynasty ("A Test of Time" p.386).

Peter Kirk

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Date of the Exodus (quite short)
Author: <banyai AT> at Internet
Date: 27/01/2000 08:04

Niels Peter Lemche and J.Kilmon wrote:
> > Until such time as there is (no) archaeological or epigraphic evidence to
> > support
> > a bronze age mass exodus of Jews from Egypt, I consider any attempt to
> > "date the Exodus" in the same light as dating Adam and Eve or Noah's Ark.

Not knowing is excusable... A little help from myself: you should try with
Ipuwers date according to Seters within the SIP combinated with a date now
like 1628-1626 for Thera. Geologists have found Nile sediments from the
Theran outburst. Some very massive ash cloud must have reached Egypt. My
own very accurate date for the Exodus is 1622.
On short:
Ipuwer 2.10 Indeed the river is blood, yet men drink of it...
Exodus 7,20 The waters of the Nile became blood.

Thera The water is stained by ironoxide from an eruptive cloud.

Ipuwer 5.10 The land is left over to its weakness as the broken flax.
6.1 Indeed, everywhere barley has perished.
Exodus 9,31 The flax and the barley were broken...

Thera A rain of eruptive lapili.

Ipuwer 7.1 Behold the fire has gone up on high, and its burning is going
forth against the enemies of the land. (the only mentioned enemies in the
text are the asiatics)
Exodus Well, the current discussion
Thera Since we know from geologists that an outburst took its parabolic
way towards Egypt, we must aknowledge that such an outburst due to the laws
of the perspective would be seen from the Sinai and Egypt (if it would land
into the sea) as a smoke column at day and a fire column at night.

Ipuwer 10.1 What they are making are tents (?) like the desert folk.
14.4 It is indeed good when fine linen are spread out and cloaks are
on New Year´s Day...
Exodus The Sukkot ceremony (at Sukkot). The preceding 5 days of mourning
from the 10-th to the 14-th Abib prove to be the Egyptian Epagomena.
Since the Egyptian New Year´s Day (Sothis) is 4 months off the
nowaday Abib this is the explanation of the same 4 month deviation
of the quails migration in the Sinai and for the equation of 8-th
Abib (Palm Sunday, opening of the Gates of Righteousness) by R. Aha
in the name of Samuel, the son of R. Isaac with the summer solstice.
This means 8 Abib deviated within
1600 years just by 2 weeks from its original date during the Exodus,
due to a transition from Sothic to real sun calendar. (Details on
last in Hebrew Union College Annual, VII, 1929, J. Morgenstern,
"The gates of righteousness".
Ipuwer 10.10 respect(?)...because of his god, that he may guard the
13.1 you have told lies, and the land is a weed which destroys
men...(all relating to the pharao)

Exodus ? I leave this up to your fantasy.

More detail? Why I am so sure, 1622 would be the historical date of the

Best regards,

Banyai Michael
Banyai AT

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