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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
- To: sm-sorcery AT, sm-discuss AT, sm-grimoire AT
- Cc:
- Subject: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?
- Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:57:04 -0800
Quoting Hamish Greig <hgreig AT>:
> On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 18:25, Eric Schabell wrote:
> > Howdy all,
> >
> > We have a possible new Sorcery Leader in the form of a well known and
> > experienced Smgl'er:
> >
> > Andrew Stitt (a.k.a. afraydknot)
> >
> > If there are others, I would like to start a discussion with responses
> > from the Sorcery Developers (see org chart) only as to the possible
> > other candidates, votes for / against this one, or thoughts on the
> > subject.
> >
> > I would like to get this done as soon as possible, so let youself be
> > heard. I will count the incomming votes and let you all know asap the
> > final outcome. Please post all replys here if you would.
> Having waited a week for any response, but seen none, I have to say what a
> load of horsecrap this is.
> This is not an internal issue for the sorcery team to discuss, it is for the
> project to discuss. All the grimoire gurus, all the sorcery team, all the
> iso/cauldron team, even all the users if they wish to be involved. It is not
> just about who wants to lead a team of developers, it is about their skill
> set, the standard of their work, their communication skills, their
> availability and their approachability. Anything less than full open
> discussion of applications to help steer this project is a farce.
> As a previously active guru I support Andrew's application to head sorcery.
> His previous work on sorcery and prometheus, his activity and discussions in
> bugzilla, his attendance on IRC and self-designated role as channel
> greeter,
> his support for me (and others) in many of my (our) mini-projects, his
> overall knowledge of the people and the project, these are all the reasons
> why I think he will make a good sorcery lead.
> Hamish
There aren't too many people on the Sorcery Team to be voting. Perhaps we
talk about how Team Leads are to be nominated/voted? What scope of voters? We
decided at the last dev meeting that there /would/ be a vote for Leads and
the PL would initiate the vote and tally the responses (however, your current
PL has been busy and didn't initiate a vote, but there's one already going,
so... ;)). I believe we also said that all developers have a vote in choosing
Lead, but correct me if I'm wrong or it's a bad idea and we'll talk. ;)
Shall we start this process as we described at the meeting? Keep the current
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Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |
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[SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?,
Eric Schabell, 03/09/2004
Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?,
Hamish Greig, 03/14/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?,
Eric Schabell, 03/15/2004
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?, Andrew, 03/15/2004
- Re: [SM-Grimoire] Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?, Eric Sandall, 03/15/2004
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?, Hamish Greig, 03/15/2004
[SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?,
Eric Sandall, 03/15/2004
- [SM-Sorcery] Re: [SM-Discuss] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?, Arwed von Merkatz, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?,
Eric Schabell, 03/15/2004
Re: [SM-Sorcery] Sorcery Lead change nomination(s)?,
Hamish Greig, 03/14/2004
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