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sm-sorcery - [SM-Sorcery] Helping out in Sorcery?

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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics

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  • From: Eric Schabell <eschabell AT>
  • To: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: [SM-Sorcery] Helping out in Sorcery?
  • Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 09:59:22 +0100

On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 05:34:32PM -0000, evraire AT wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> > Sounds good to me, where do I get testers, users that report on fixed
> > bugs back into bugzilla, time, extra hands? ;-)
> I have always wanted to contribute to Source Mage without really having
> any time. However, occasional testing for the sorcery team sounds like
> something I could help with. If there's any testing you'd like done, just
> send the instructions my way and I'll give it a shot! (I'm not too worried
> about toasting my system... we've always been able to recover in the past :)
Get a subscription to sm-sorcery-bugs lists.

This will get you mails on all bugs running in sorcery, changes to them,
patches as they are attached, etc.

When a patch is applied, you can best help by verifying that they work.

When a bug is submitted, try to also reproduce the problem and verify
that it exists with explaination how to reporduce.

If you can, turn on debug in sorcery menu "sorcery development", set the
output file to /tmp/debug.txt. Each run of sorcery code will fill it
with the output and debug statements in the code, helps tracing allot.

If you can localize the problem, just let us know by posting your
idea/suggestions/discovery on the bug.

That should about do it. Also watch for extreme changes, like duff's
depends ordering, my re-starting of a rebuild after a crash. These are
also bugs but the patches are not applied w/o some major feedback, so we
hang them on the bug for you to try. Post feedback there.

That would be a great help, look forward to your participation.

PS. Most of the time we have less than 10 running bugs in sorcery so it
should be easy to keep an eye on it. Notice we have a division of bugs,
"Feature request" for the long term, and "devel" or "1.x" series that
are basically more urgent and active.


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