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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] Kernel version dependency

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  • From: Robin Sheat <robin AT>
  • To: Paul <dufflebunk AT>
  • Cc: sm-sorcery <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] Kernel version dependency
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:29:25 +1300

On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 05:19:38PM -0500, Paul wrote:
> X is a whole other ball of wax. When linux starts up, it runs init
> scripts. When X starts up, does it run a set of scripts anywhere? Unless
> you are suggesting that the nvidia drivers be recompiled on reboot...
> but that sounds a little too MS'ish for me.
I was suggesting they are compiled on reboot, or perhaps when X shuts
down. This could be done by tweaking the ?dm init scripts. It is just
that it is really annoying to have X not start up every so often because
the NVidia driver was dispelled, but the new one couldn't be installed.
The other option as I see it would be to patch the spell so that it
doesn't try the rmmmod or modprobe that fails (it tries to install the
new module into the kernel, but if X is running, it is in use).

Robin <robin AT> JabberID: <eythian AT>

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