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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems

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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics

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  • From: Dufflebunk <dufflebunk AT>
  • To: P.Hannah AT
  • Cc: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems
  • Date: 03 Nov 2002 20:43:02 -0500

On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 16:23, Paul Hannah wrote:
> On November 3, 2002 12:20 pm, Dufflebunk wrote:
> ...
> > > bash: line1: ps: command not found
> > > this appears throughout the integrity check, doesn't seem to cause any
> > > problems that I've noticed
> >
> > Do you have the ps program? psutils I think is the spell.
> Dufflebunk, this happens on my machine as well, something wrong with
> psutils
> version in the grimoire: version 2.07 instead of 3.0.? I think from memory.
> And that version's source is no longer available for download, so it does a
> dispel and then can't find anything to replace it. I just grabbed a copy
> from another disk and did a manual make, and all is well. I seem to
> remember
> someone else mentioned that this was fixed and would be in a later version
> of
> devel, but that was a couple of days ago now.
It does not dispel until it is ready to do the make install stp of the
build (actualy the prepare_install function deletes the old stuff). If
it could not find the source, the build should not have gotten that far.
It sounds like if there's a problem, it's with the spell, but I have not
looked at it in any detail.

> >
> > > Sorcery (text UI) Options, all the Section menu's appear to have serious
> > > problems.
> >
> > Most of these problems have been fixed. The select one still needs to be
> > fixed, but all the rest are working AFK.
> >
> Just one I noticed is that if you select spells, select and games it seems
> to
> get confused reading the list and you get 'spell name' part of the
> description // 'more of a descripton' 'some other crap' // etc. etc.
> It looks like it missed a control character and is just filling the screen
> with junk. This has been not reproducible, but occurred twice, so I just
> thought I'd mention it in case it comes up again with someone else.
Anything under select will likely produce those results.


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