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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: "Eric Sandall" <eric AT>
- To: <tyleanith AT>
- Cc: <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems
- Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 11:08:00 -0800 (PST)
Tyleanith said:
> Hello,
> Hope this is the right list for these problems...
> After a few builds on a fresh machine I've gotten it bascily working.
> Running off of devel. Tried stable but just couldn't get it to work
> (though it might now as I'm better at remembering these things).
> Using the 1st, 3rd, and 5th optimizations listed for a PIII dual box.
> Problems I didn't notice discussed anywhere when I looked:
> Basesystem fails integrity check, saying it is missing an install log.
> basesytem:20021103:installed:0.8.2
This is either fixed or being worked on, but it is known. :)
> bash: line1: ps: command not found
> this appears throughout the integrity check, doesn't seem to cause any
> problems that I've noticed
The old procps (2.0.7) no longer has sources available, so it has been
bumped to 3.0.4 in both devel and test (soon 3.0.5 in devel, I think), and
so is now available to cast after a 'scribe update'.
> Sorcery (text UI) Options, all the Section menu's appear to have serious
> problems.
> Finally, as a suggestion, while doing a sorcery-rebuild, or build of a
> large package, my montior often goes into energy saving mode (screen
> blanks out) and I need to press a key to bring it back up.
> Unfortunately the rebuild is often waiting for the answer to a question
> (do you wish to install a package you do not want? [y]) and I end up
> answering it pressing a key to see the screen again. It would be nice
> to have an option to have it only process the 'y', 'n', and maybe
> 'space' or 'enter' keys so I can refresh my screen without worries on a
> large build.
CTRL, ALT, or (my favourite) SHIFT. :)
> Thanks,
> Tyleanith
You're welcome. :)
-One of Four
a.k.a. sandalle
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Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux
eric AT | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |
[SM-Sorcery]Install problems,
Tyleanith, 11/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems, Paul Hannah, 11/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems,
Dufflebunk, 11/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems,
Paul Hannah, 11/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems, Dufflebunk, 11/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems,
Paul Hannah, 11/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems,
Eric Sandall, 11/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems,
Aaron Brice, 11/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems, nealbirch, 11/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems, Tyleanith, 11/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems,
Aaron Brice, 11/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]Install problems, nealbirch, 11/03/2002
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