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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]submit script

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  • From: Andrew <afrayedknot AT>
  • To: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]submit script
  • Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 20:10:28 -0700

> just a quick note on a message someone submitted which sounded something
> like "can anyone do anything with this because it's not a bzip, bzip2 or
> tar?" You replied that running the command created a bzip2 (I think), but
> I'm pretty sure he was referring to your attached script. And (if I'm not
> mistaken), the answer to his question is "it's neither: it's a plain text
> file which, when given executable permissions, can be run directly". Am I
> right?

yea i misread the person's post, anyways, yea i messed up and sent in a
tar.gz file i had named a bz2 (oops). so if you unpack it as a gz file you
get a single exceutable script. Pretty ironic in all when im writing a script
to do this for me.

for future reference Im going to keep the current script in on my anonymous

> Second, I recall a recent thread where the future of spell submissions
> was discussed. I believe the final outcome was that spells will
> eventually also be submitted via bugzilla. My question to you is: do you
> think you could add functionality to your script to enter the submitted
> spell appropriately in bugzilla?

i will certainly give it a try.

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