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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]submit script

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  • From: "Eric Sandall" <eric AT>
  • To: <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]submit script
  • Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 12:52:33 -0700 (PDT)

Good point, Andrew, but I think that, overall, having a 'sorcery-tools'
spell would be nice. Or perhaps (and better yet? :) We'll see...) a
sorcery-tools section, or tools section, or they could just go in the sgl
section. Anyways, we could have each of the scripts a separate spell in
said section, though this might not look pretty, it will give people the
option of which scripts they want, instead of an all or nothing (short of
getting the ones you want manually).

-One of Four
a.k.a. sandalle

Andrew said:
> that may be useful since there are a number of spell writing scripts out
> there and they could just be bundled and updated through a spell. on the
> otherhand i think keeping some of that stuff bundled in sorcery would
> really encourage people to write their own spells, moreso then if they
> had to cast a seperate spell to get this stuff.
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 12:35:50PM -0700, Aaron Brice wrote:
>> There's lots of handy scripts like this out there that get posted to
>> the mailing list and then I forget about them and can't find them when
>> I need them.. Maybe we could create a sorcery-tools spell that people
>> could submit scripts to?
>> Aaron
>> On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 09:11, Andrew wrote:
>> > This is just a little script i wrote to submit spells to the spell
>> submit list. It tarball's the spell directory, looks up the section
>> maintainer's email and sends it to both them and the sm-spell-submit
>> list, and prompts for a message.
>> >
>> > I was thinking we could add this in sorcery somewhere as it would
>> encourage spell writing by other users, all they'd have to do is
>> write and test the spell in a directory somewhere, run the command
>> and off it goes, if all goes to plan the guru sees it and within a
>> few days its in the grimoire. Perhaps it could be a scribe option or
>> something?
>> >
>> > Anyways its very very basic right now but i can spiff it up and make
>> it work with systems that dont have an mta, etc if theres interest
>> in it. If not...well you'll know how im submitting spells to the
>> list.
>> >
>> > (IMPORTANT): i put an echo in front of the actual command it runs so
>> if you just unpack it and run it, it will just tell you what it
>> would have done, remove the echo on the last line to uncripple it.
>> >
>> > known bugs:
>> > uses uuencode which uses sendmail, therefore it works fine on any
>> system whose mta provides a sendmail frontend (or they run *shudder*
>> sendmail), I need to find out how to make it work with systems uses
>> imap or pop3 style email.
>> >
>> > it probably wont work unless you are in the parent directory of the
>> spell directory, id need to add an option to parse out the directory
>> name. Not a whole lot of flexibility, no options, again this is a
>> rough draft to see if people are interested.
>> >
>> > It uses gaze maintainer <section> to find out who the section leader
>> is, currently it takes the first address it finds, i had to pipe the
>> output into grep twice because if there are two address's on the
>> first line an address is found on, both come out, If someone uses a
>> funky style to write their email or abuses the @ symbol my regexp
>> may match it.
>> >
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Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |

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