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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: Peter Schneider-Kamp <peter AT>
- To: sm-sorcery <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: [SM-Sorcery]The tmpfs considered harmul.
- Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 18:15:33 +0200
Hi everyone!
I have made some experiences that make me come back
on the old topic of tmpfs-or-not.
If you prefer not to read my personal rant/experiences
skip to the second line of nine stars.
*** *** ***
Now here is a rant about the last days' experience
with my beloved source mage gnu/linux installation:
A few minutes ago, casting mozilla-nightly
filled up my /tmp partition.
First I though it was another sorcery bug -- but no:
The uncompressed tar file has size 260751360
and my /tmp partition only gets size=256m in
/etc/fstab. Go and figure.
Why do I tell ya? I know, I can just have an even bigger
tmpfs mounted on /tmp (or just good ole plain reiserfs).
But somehow I got the feeling that this is all getting
too big. I mean, I have 2G of swap + 512M physical
because 1.5G total can run into problems during a rebuild
(especially if spell compilations fail and the sources
are not cleaned up -- happened with all kde* spells
during my last rebuild).
Now I need to set up a /tmp directory of probably 512M.
But there is no security even like this. /tmp can still
overrun. If enough spells fail, memory will overrun
because of many tmpfs mounted on /usr/src/*.
How am I supposed to do a rebuild on my notebook
in the future? It's got less than 3G total of ram & hdd.
*** *** ***
So what is my problem with the current situation?
I have to figure out (and monitor) sizes of many filesystems
and swap partitions. Nevertheless individual tmpfs and
virtual memory can still overrun. No security there.
Okay, it keeps my regular partitions out of the game --
but that does not buy me anything if memory overruns and
my box locks up.
*** *** ***
So what do I want?
I would really like to trade in all that complexity for
the simple risk of my hard-disk overruning. Because in
the end it is my harddisk where all my resources of
virtual memory and tmpfs memory come from.
So just having to make sure there is enough space in
/usr/src and in /tmp would be (in my eyes) much preferrable
to the cluttered system we have right now.
See the ASCII art below for a more graphical explaination.
*** *** ***
P.S.: The situation now and the preferred:
| tmpfs |
| |---------| |----------------------------------------| |
| | tmpfs | | USR HOME | |
| |---------| | |---------------| |----------------| | |
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| ROOT | | | | | | |
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| | | | SWAP2 | |
| | | | |---------------| | |
| | | | | tmpfs tmpfs | | |
| | | | | tmpfs tmpfs | | |
| | | | | ... | | |
| | | | |---------------| | |
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| |---------| |----------------------------------------| |
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| |---------| |----------------------------------------| |
| | | | USR HOME | |
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| ROOT | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | |/usr/src | | |
| | | | | | | |
| |/tmp | | |---------------| | |
| | | | | |
| |---------| |----------------------------------------| |
| |
Peter Schneider-Kamp mailto:peter AT
Deliusstrasse 9
D-52064 Aachen mobile phone: ++49 178 495 1040
[SM-Sorcery]The tmpfs considered harmul.,
Peter Schneider-Kamp, 08/29/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]The tmpfs considered harmul., Dufflebunk, 08/29/2002
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