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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Nominations for Sorcery and Tome lead

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  • From: flux <flux AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Nominations for Sorcery and Tome lead
  • Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 22:44:44 -0400

Eric Sandall (eric AT wrote [09.09.22 21:14]:
> Hash: SHA1
> David Kowis wrote:
> > Hmm. I am honored and disgusted at the same time. heh ;)
> >
> > Anyways, this brings about a question regarding what exactly is the Tome
> > position? Is he responsible for web content? Is he solely responsible
> > for whipping developers into documentation?
> >
> > Anyways, before I accept or decline this nomination, I would like to
> > know why you think I should be in that position. I haven't done a whole
> > lot recently except for bitch and complain about perl module spells.
> >
> > Anyways, just want to know what you expect of the "lucky winner."
> >
> > Thanks,
> I expect a Tome Lead to provide the facilities for others, possibly on
> his time, usually on other teams, to keep their documentation
> up-to-date. I also expect a Tome Lead to work with the other teams to
> get them to write their documentation, publish it (e.g. to the wiki,
> possibly generated through doxygen, bashdoc, or others from code already
> written) and prod them if they forget or lag behind.
> I do not expect the Tome Lead to write all, or even much, of our wiki,
> internal documentation, or web site code/text.
> - -sandalle

My expectations would agree with Eric's. Since you described yourself as
"bitching and complaining", I think you could perform excellently in the
role of pushing developers to write and publish their documentation. ;)

In seriousness though, I think you know what needs to be done, and
you're reasonably good at communicating that to others. You also have
some good ideas about how the process could be improved, in part from
your experience as one of our server admins. Of course this is all IMO,
and you (and others) are free to disagree, but this was why I nominated
you. Also, I haven't been around as much as I would like either, but you
are fast to respond to emails at least, which I think is adequate for
communicating what a Tome Lead would need to (with the occasional
presence on IRC helping that). Usually you're the first responder for
any bug that lands in the administrative section of our bugzilla, so I
don't think I would agree with you so much on your absenteeism.

Justin "flux_control" Boffemmyer
Cauldron wizard and general mage
Source Mage GNU/Linux

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