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sm-discuss - [SM-Discuss] Help Support Source Mage

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Subject: Public SourceMage Discussion List

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  • From: David Kowis <dkowis AT>
  • To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>, sm-announce AT, sm-users AT
  • Subject: [SM-Discuss] Help Support Source Mage
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 22:12:17 -0600

First of all, this is not a "lets make Source Mage not suck" thread. I
bring you a concrete way to support your favorite Linux distribution.

As you may know, (developers should know this ;) ) is
a co-located server graciously managed by our own Jeremy Blosser. He's
agreed to pay for this and be our physical presence when it's needed. He
also maintains it :) This server hosts nearly all of our services that
we provide:
* Drupal Content Management System ( )
* MoinMoin Wiki ( )
* Bugzilla instance ( )
* git repository ( ) and git via ssh
* our redirects for and
* the RDP [0] Mailing list
* it can serve as a backup for when (not if) ibiblio goes down
( ibiblio currently hosts our ISO's, codex, and mirrored sources. Due to
bandwidth costs. It is feasible in the future that we will host that

This server is critical to Source Mage's operation. It is the
centerpiece of all our operations. It is our presence on the internet.
It is our segment of the blagosphere.[1] It's what lets us contribute
code to Source Mage. It houses all of our documentation. We do have
backups, but we don't have another suitable location to host our
website. This is it.

If you don't feel that you do a whole lot to help Source Mage along, but
you want to, this is an extremely easy way to assist. We're trying to
raise $600. Of course, if you do a whole lot, it doesn't excuse you ;)
If all 40 of our developers, as listed on
, gives $15USD each we'll have it covered. $15 is less than 3 lunches,
where I live it's slightly more than two ;)

Fundable will accept pledges, or payment, from a credit/debit card, or
from PayPal. Upon reaching the goal, the money will be given to me via
PayPal and I'll relay it to Jeremy in the form of a check. I've been
with this distribution for quite a long time (years) and if you ask
anyone associated with the project that knows of me, they'll attest to
my trustworthiness. :)

This Fundable will end 02/17/2007 11:59 PM EST. I'm confident that we'll
meet our goal, because it ends on my birthday. So you can all get me a
birthday gift by giving to Source Mage :)

David Kowis
SourceMage GNU/Linux

Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to
find easier ways to do something.
- Robert Heinlein

[0] Rapid Documentation Project

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