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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Results for Organization Policy vote

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  • From: "Jeremy Blosser (emrys)" <jblosser-smgl AT>
  • To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Results for Organization Policy vote
  • Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 15:02:36 -0500

On May 04, Eric Sandall [eric AT] wrote:
> Here are the results for the vote[0] on the Organization Policy. The
> results below have already been audited to not count developers whom
> have not voted in the last two Lead votes and removed any votes sent in
> by developers who are not eligible to vote due to missing prior votes
> (though if you voted in this one, even if you cannot be counted, you
> have now voted and broken your two consecutive missed votes ;)).
> The results, in short: We had an 85% voter turnout (of eligible voters,
> we had an 81% turnout of all developers), with 73% voting "yes" to use
> the new policy and 9% voting "no", with 3% abstaining).
> I would like to thank all of you who participated. ;)

I'd also like to thank everyone... this was an important vote, and it's
good to have such solid support.

The next steps are probably to get these docs onto the web site and update
things like the Developers' page for the modified structure (removal of
separate team listings, etc.); I can work on that.

And to start using these policies, of course.

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