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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Sorcery not doing "cd" between BUILD and INSTALL

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  • From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
  • To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Sorcery not doing "cd" between BUILD and INSTALL
  • Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 21:29:13 -0700

Quoting "Sergey A. Lipnevich" <sergey AT>:
> Hi!
> Sorcery changes to SOURCE_DIRECTORY before calling BUILD but doesn't do that
> before INSTALL. Is this desired behavior? I'd prefer to assume that BUILD
> and
> INSTALL (as well as POST_INSTALL I guess) where executed from the directory
> in
> SOURCE_DIRECTORY. What do you guys think?

I'd prefer that Sorcery only put us in $SOURCE_DIRECTORY once (preferably
between PRE_BUILD and BUILD) and then leave our CWD alone. This way the
spell-writer can choose where they're CWD is and expect it to stay there. I
don't think we've formally defined this, but that's my take.


Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |

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