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Subject: Public SourceMage Discussion List
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- From: Wolfgang Scheicher <worf AT>
- To: sm-discuss AT
- Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell
- Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 13:22:12 +0100
At this point it's most important to find a design that:
*) Overcomes the limits and flaws of the old
*) Is clean and easy to maintain
Ideas and Wishes are welcome, especially if they require to be taken into
account when doing the outline of what somewhen should become the best kernel
build tool in the world :-)
To point out the limits and flaws of the old design of my now approx 2.5 year
old spell:
*) the system to patch is a rather ugly hack. it's chaotic, difficult to
maintain, difficult to use. it worked well for the 2-3 patches which had been
there at the start, but now it's only a mess.
*) new features were added that could use some cleanup for consistency
and cleaner source, etc...:
gpg support
reuse old source tree
choice of different configure tools
*) sorcery itself has changed, and maybe the bahaviour of the linux spell
is not adequate anymore. ( can we bring the menuconfig part to PREPARE? )
*) Since about 2.6.7 there seem to be no "stable" kernel releases anymore
It's now up to the Distributor to stabilize and fix the kernel
We'll propably need to offer patches for critical fixes, because vanilla
kernels are not going to be what they used to be, and take this part
more serious
*) ...
[SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Wolfgang Scheicher, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Bas van Gils, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Arjan Bouter, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Wolfgang Scheicher, 12/20/2004
- Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell, Arjan Bouter, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Wolfgang Scheicher, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Arjan Bouter, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Mads Laursen, 12/20/2004
- Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell, Wolfgang Scheicher, 12/20/2004
- Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell, Ladislav Hagara, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Wolfgang Scheicher, 12/20/2004
- Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell, Andrew "ruskie" Levstik, 12/20/2004
- Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell, Jason Flatt, 12/20/2004
Re: [SM-Discuss] new linux spell,
Bas van Gils, 12/20/2004
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