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sm-discuss - [SM-Discuss] Developer Meeting 2004-10-03 Notes

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  • From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
  • To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: [SM-Discuss] Developer Meeting 2004-10-03 Notes
  • Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 15:31:34 -0700

Hi all,

I'd like to thank everyone who showed up to the developer meeting last Sunday.
:) For those who weren't there you can get the log in the usual place[0].

According to the reports our Sorcery, Grimoire, Tome, and ISO Teams made we
set the launch date for Source Mage GNU/Linux 1.0 to be 2005-04-03 (six (6)
months from the meeting date).

Some of our gurus are going to be busy until after the November 2nd U.S.

Sorcery Brief:
* Sorcery documentation (bashdoc, man pages, help pages) shall be removed from
the wiki and placed on (currently only bashdoc has
been moved). All Sorcery scripts shall have --help and man pages up-to-date
(Karsten has volunteered to do this and some of you may have seen his
* Most of the items on the RoadMap[1] for Sorcery are still on the TODO list.
The main feature removed as a requirement for 1.0 was the spell subdepends and
optional subdepends request.
* Bug entries will listed (and made if they don't exist already) for the
remaining items.

Grimoire Brief:
* Conversion to build_api2 and duplicate dependencies are still on the list
conversion to config_query and using local variables in spells were added.
** Duplicate dependencies are low priority as they technically break nothing
(only slow things down and are incorrect for our build system)
* It was agreed that we're shooting for less than 50 bugs listed as still
in Bugzilla under Codex.
* Duane has written a script[2] to facilitate renaming spells to lower-case,
it may not do everything as specified in the Guru Handbook[3] yet.
* The Guru Handbook will be updated to follow our latest APIs.

Tome Brief:
* The new CMS-based (using Drupal[4]) web page is being tested. All that's
to do is to migrate (either manually or by writing a script) our mailing
forums, news, and wiki into the new system.
* Work is going into integrating Bugzilla with our CMS instead of using
built-in "Issue" system.
* The Tome Team would like someone to help beautifying the site once we have
* All documentation on the wiki will be brought up-to-date with our latest
Sorcery API, Grimoire API, and ISOs. Any old information that is not/will not
be updated will be removed.
* Our web services will be moved to a distributed master (one master) / slave
(many slaves, all read-only, but sending write requests to the master) setup
using MySQL replication.
* The Mailing lists, forums, and NNTP services will be setup to share
information (so you only "subscribe" to one of those and you get everything
posted to any of them).

ISO Brief:
* None of the ISO Team could make it for the entire meeting
* We're thinking of having ISOs released every three months per architecture
(the separate architectures don't have to be released on the same month, but
from then on every three months they should have a new release)
* Work has been done to fix up spells to obey INSTALL_ROOT for cross-compiling
and setting up the ISO
* PPC and SPARC ports are in progress with work being done for the AMD64
* Lib32/lib64 support is being worked on for Sorcery to support 64-bit
architectures (SPARC64 and AMD64).
* In conjunction with the Security Team the NSA's SE Linux and grsecurity
be made optional for the ISO.

* Miscellaneous Items:
* Arjan and Pieter are working on bless (creates .desktop menus for WM's [blackbox, wmi, etc.]).

Comments and questions welcome on the SM-Discuss
<sm-discuss AT>
mailing list. :)



Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |

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