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permaculture - [permaculture] ‘Mind blowing’ ancient settlements uncovered in the Amazon [Terra Preta II]

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  • From: Lawrence London <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] ‘Mind blowing’ ancient settlements uncovered in the Amazon [Terra Preta II]
  • Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 13:01:53 -0700

‘Mind blowing’ ancient settlements uncovered in the Amazon [Terra Preta II]

Mysterious mounds in the southwest corner of the Amazon Basin were once the
site of ancient urban settlements, scientists have discovered. Using a
remote-sensing technology to map the terrain from the air, they found that,
starting about 1,500 years ago, ancient Amazonians built and lived in
densely populated centres, featuring 22-metre-tall earthen pyramids, that
were encircled by kilometres of elevated roadways.

  • [permaculture] ‘Mind blowing’ ancient settlements uncovered in the Amazon [Terra Preta II], Lawrence London, 05/26/2022

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