Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: Lawrence London <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM
- Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 05:53:10 -0400
On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 1:58 AM, Lawrence London <>
> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 12:55 AM, Steve Hart <
> > wrote:
>> Hmmm..sounds like the next EITR wkshp at IPC13 will be quite creative.
>> Perhaps there are many issues within our own room "Permaculture
>> International" ( for this is the IPC) to work through. We have never had
>> any policing or guidance for how we could best operate with respect and
>> focus on what we could deem our agenda or morals.
>> IMO this is what we need
>> to focus on. There are many more subjects we could easily wander off on
>> any
>> tangent with. So lets focus and develop some traction on internal
>> elements.
> That is it exactly. Internal elements; things that people naturally
> gravitae toward, day to day, instead of pie in the sky stuff, bigger is
> better, bigger picture, grand plans. The Buddha teaches us to look inward,
> seek direction through introspection. I listened to an hour on the life of
> Buddha in a PBS TV documentary, one of the best works I have ever been
> privileged to hear. It was a life changing experience. So, you are right,
> develop an intra-permaculture-community maze, spider web of connections,
> network of nodes of knowledge,.
Delay not, move ahead, act now - at least plan program material for the IPC
that encompasses your dreams and best ideas.
As we think about the future of Permaculture we must compile vast arrays of
knowledge mimicing enormously complex ecosystems,
multi-dimensional, parallel universes of possibilities to populate designs
for interconnected Permaculture systems carrying Mankind into the future, a
strange world where our galaxy collides with another and gets swallowed up
by a massive black hole leaving us floating within swarms of the most basic
energy stuff that fills the infinite void.
[image: Image may contain: cloud, sky, twilight, tree, outdoor and nature]
Observe Nature.........remember everything...pause and reflect on what
you've seen and learned.......repeat cycle
I am taken back to fresh, curious open-minded days of the 60's when I
immersed myself in the world of Nature, a journey in search of knowledge,
experience and enlightenment, an ongoing work in progress, a quest for the
magic grail.
"I was aware, upon arising this morning...that Nature is infinitely
deep and will reveal its secrets if you look closely enough long
enough...this subject is fascinating, remember
everything...pause and reflect on what you've seen and learned."
Interesting observation in the forest - during a late afternoon
walkabout years ago.
As I was looking at new lespedeza seedlings beside the driveway I noticed a
large, spreading spider web, spanning an entire opening to a small glade
within the forest. It was home to some unidentified harmless brown spider
and lovely to look at. I pointed my flashlight at it and watched the spider
busy at work walking around the web, actually in the act of spinning it,
something I had never seen before. After connecting long strands of silk
from nearby branches to a central hub in the middle of the web, it laid a
coarse pattern of concentric spirals out to the edges, then, as I watched,
started inward, filling in the gaps with an even closer pattern. It was
interesting to note that the central three inches of web contained very
closely spaced rings that were made of thinner silk. This part of the web
seemed to be specially constructed to attract and catch prey as it
contained a small bundle of white silk in the center of a highly flexible
zone which, with the slightest wind or disturbance, would wobble in and out
and vibrate, possibly looking like an insect to some other unsuspecting
predator. This area was so supple that anything touching it would
immediately become ensnared, providing food for the host.
Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Re: [permaculture] ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM,
Steve Hart, 06/19/2017
Re: [permaculture] ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM,
Lawrence London, 06/19/2017
- Re: [permaculture] ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, Lawrence London, 06/19/2017
Re: [permaculture] ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM,
Lawrence London, 06/19/2017
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