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[permaculture] Economy of Crisis Capitalism and Economy of the Commons
- From: Lawrence London <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: [permaculture] Economy of Crisis Capitalism and Economy of the Commons
- Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 16:45:13 -0400
[Dmytri Kleiner: Facebook is internet reimagined through imagination of
network television capitalism (interview) -]
*Economy of Crisis Capitalism and Economy of the Commons*
About the conference:
* <>*
Goethe Institut, Vukovarska 64
*19.00 – lecture **Asbjørn Wahl
<>: The Rise and Fall of
the Welfare State*
Goethe Institut, Vukovarska 64
*11.00 – 12.45 **Panel 1: Trade Unions, Privatizations of Public Services
and Remunicipalizations*
*13.00 – 14.45 **Panel 2: **Privatizations, Marketizations and
Public-Private Partnerships*
*17.00 – 18.45 **Panel 3: **Towards A Spatial Justice*
*19.00 – lecture **Massimo de Angelis
<>: *
*Crisis of Capitalist Relations and the Need for a Plan C *
net.culture club MAMA, Preradovićeva 18
*11.00 – 12.45 **Panel 4: **The Commons and the Social Movements*
*13.00 – 14.45 **Panel 5: **Sustaining the Commons, Sustaining the Peer
*17.00 – 18.45 **Panel 6: **Economic Crisis in Europe – Where Are We Now?*
*19.00 – lecture **Ugo Mattei
<>: **The commons as a
constituent power. The Italian example*
More on The Commons from pc list homepage:
Commons Thinking
Commons Thinking
Justin Kenrick The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy, Arran Stibbe.
Supported by University of Brighton, Faculty of Arts: Sustainability
"Commons Thinking: the ability to envisage and enable a viable future
through connected action,"
Justin Kenrick, University of Glasgow, and PEDAL Portobello Transition Town
"What is Commons Thinking?
The Commons are life-sustaining or life-enhancing resources and services
that have not
been divided up and assigned a monetary value in the global economy but
instead are shared
freely among members of a community or group. They range from the air we
breath, pollination
provided by bees, land that provides food for gathering and sharing rather
than selling,
to words of comfort given freely and willingly rather than at an hourly
Pitted against the Commons, however, are the forces of Enclosure, which
to appropriate, own and sell resources that were once freely accessible,
often breaking
up communities and displacing people in the process. Commons regimes are
which resist these forces and meet people's needs primarily or
significantly through the
Commons rather than through monetary exchange, existing both in the forests
of the Amazon
and in the last remaining tight-knit local communities in cities around the
This chapter aims to describe one important skill for rebuilding political,
community and
personal resilience."
Click for pdf download of the full chapter 'Commons Thinking' from the
Handbook for Sustainability Literacy
*Definitions of Permaculture*
*All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is
everything. What we think we become. Buddha*
*Fukuoka san's comment in an interview where Fukuoka san, Bill Mollison and
Wes Jackson were present: "The confusion started when humans ate the Fruit
of Knowledge. Adam and Eve were thrown away from the Garden of Eden. The
only way to get back is to throw away the knowledge! Just become foolish
like a bird or baby."*
- [permaculture] Economy of Crisis Capitalism and Economy of the Commons, Lawrence London, 06/08/2015
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