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Re: [permaculture] [FWD] Adam Ormes Court: compost tea, Elaine Ingham, biodynamics
- From: Steve Hart <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] [FWD] Adam Ormes Court: compost tea, Elaine Ingham, biodynamics
- Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 19:20:24 +1200
I guess many people are looking for recipes or methodology which trips most
up most of the time. It is difficult to walk away from a paddy field or a
Holzer and think it can be rebuilt identicate somwhere else. Invariably
there are other dimensions that are missing from the recipe. These are
principles some times. In my opinion what Holzer has done in the
mineralised earths of Austria he has dug up considerable pieces of his
mineralsied earth and stimulated the elecromagnetic and radionic fields
that have layed dormant. This stimulation has created tremendous pulses of
energy in various life forces.
The asian rice fields with multi tiered systems like those we learnt from
George Chan are part of the localised ecologies which these people have
lived in for many generations. They have become conditioned to them. This
is seen in many farming patterns in many countries. That conditioning sets
up antibodies and natural barriers to potential shortages and harmful
elements that someone coming from a foreign environment is not conditioned
to. So it is often difficult to assimilate copy or imitate.
The greatest challenge is to understand what principles can be interpreted
understood and applied....Steve Hart.
On 20 May 2015 at 13:52, Lawrence London <> wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Steve Hart <>
> wrote:
> > Ingham is a scientist.
> > Nothing more nothing less. She has/does offered us a lot, to help us
> > stimulate what choices we have available. As do many more people some
> > scientists, some not. Flowforms ..This study is from Ian Trousdell I
> > know very well ..had lunch with him recently. He took over from Wilkes
> who
> > learnt from Steiner and Schauberger and Scwenk. It is another layer of
> > science, not conventional, more cosmic, astral and works its
> > proven, its brilliant. I love the dynamic of it. It also has an amazing
> > rhythmic from imitations of nature. There are other layers available for
> us
> > too if we open our eyes and minds and hearts. I grew up in New Zealand in
> > the rural world amongst our Maori. The indigenous characater of which has
> >
> What is Maori farming all about? Do they forest garden?
> > many powerful learnings. Thankfully there is a very strong Renaissance of
> > this today. Its a pity Nth America has lost that with the indigenous
> Indian
> >
> Very many people in NA appreciate American Indian culture and they
> contribution they made
> to those who understand the value of their culture and lifestyle, in total
> harmony with Nature.
> This is so inspirational and so indispensible.
> > likewise many other indigenous around the world. Much of what Mollison
> and
> > Holmgren put together has roots in this indigenous who had only one
> > teacher..nature.
> >
> Well said, Steve. With much of that you are preaching to the choir.
> The compost tea discussion in question involved exploring ways to keep
> aerobically activated compost tea, aerobic through the time of field
> application.
> Court mentioned a study done that showed flowforms oxygenated liquids
> flowing through them.
> Aquaculture and aquaponics done right is completely permacutural, natural
> and biodymanic
> and of great value to individuals and communities needing to source their
> food locally and from systems that are sustainable,
> regenerative and natural. What about paddies in rice terraces that double
> as aquaponic systems hosting fish and ducks
> and a harvest of edible plants besides rice. I think that in some cases
> rice paddy prep involves spreading and tilling in a large quantity of
> manure,
> maybe fresh. The planting of rice not only provides a crop but remediates
> and purifies the paddy soil and water. See the Japanese film Satoyama
> to watch rice farming, fish raising and water purification in action in a
> thousands of years old system. Beautiful.
> I wonder how the work of Sepp Holzer fits into the overall global scheme of
> traditional indigenous agriculture on land with slopes, hills and
> mountains.
> I wonder of Georg has visited Sepp's permaculture site. The videos of it
> are fascinating and inspirational.
> Keep up the great work you are doing, Steve. You are in good company here
> in this forum.
> LL
> --
> Lawrence F. London
> Ello: @ecoponderosa <>
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Kia ora
[image: Picture]
*Steve Hart*
*Ecology Architect*
*Designer, Teacher, Builder of Ecologically Sustainable Resilient
Environments, through Urban Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture
and Systems Ecology.*
Skype: tipenemanawa
Phone: +64 220 75 62 11
Permaculture Global Design:
The Permaculture College of Europe.
GAPPS The Global Alliance for Permaculture Partnerships and Solutions.
Re: [permaculture] [FWD] Adam Ormes Court: compost tea, Elaine Ingham, biodynamics,
Lawrence London, 05/19/2015
- Re: [permaculture] [FWD] Adam Ormes Court: compost tea, Elaine Ingham, biodynamics, Steve Hart, 05/20/2015
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