Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Trudie Redding" <>
- To: "'permaculture'" <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] underground housing
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 10:19:50 -0600
Thanks Paul. For those of us who live in hot climates, the underground
housing is very interesting because of the attribute of the temperature
staying neutral in a building imbedded in a hill, that is why it is so
interesting to me personally. For those in cold climates this is a very
attractive feature also, decreasing the winter fuel needs. Humidity would be
a factor in some areas seasonally and in some areas year round. Then
flooding is a whole other issue. I have read many books over the years on
underground buildings and as an amateur I would say it is a daunting task
and must have four times the detail done on paper unless you are prepared
for leaks within one year of building, just my opinion
What is really great I think but I have no personal experience with this, is
that you could have a computer generated home and figure out all the
potential flaws ahead of time, I am sure for instance that you must take
land shifting into consideration. My piece of land had a grotto like area
with huge sandstones and granite on the hillside, I was told to wait out
four seasons and then look at the land again to decide where to build, I was
amazed, the land changes so much in just one year, the grotto was
unrecognizable, anyway I never built, I decided instead to incorporate any
permaculture stuff into my present housing situation to the best of my
ability and have fun staying in the city and someone else can have fun on
the hill I have to sell.
One other group should really look seriously at this here in the U.S. ,
those who live in tornado alleys
Trudie's gmail
Please use this email address for any personal messages
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of paul wheaton
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 9:19 AM
To: permaculture
Subject: [permaculture] underground housing
This might be the most popular thread on all of Which
seems a bit odd to me. I would have bet on something about
polyculture/guilds or the like.
It will probably hit 30,000 views today.
Granted, this thread has a lot of active builders, and is frequented
by Mike Oehler, author of "the $50 and up underground house book".
I just noticed the huge view count today and thought I would pass the
observation along.
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[permaculture] underground housing,
paul wheaton, 11/19/2010
- Re: [permaculture] underground housing, Trudie Redding, 11/19/2010
- Re: [permaculture] underground housing, Scott Vlaun, 11/19/2010
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