Subject: permaculture
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- From: Dick Pierce <>
- To: permaculture <>, Scott Vlaun <>
- Cc: Kaila <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] PDC in the East this summer?
- Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 21:52:49 -0500
In addition to others, you might consider the new MV-PG - the Martha's
Vineyard Permaculture Guild - has a PDC scheduled for May. Martha's Vineyard
forgot to eliminate small family farms, has voted down/kept out most big
retail/chains/big business, and has a great respect/love for their land,
their way of life, and their agricultural and self-reliant heritage. It is a
fabulous place to visit and an equally fabulous place to take/experience a
PDC. The instructors are very good. It's an Island off the coast of MA, but
access is surprisingly good by bus from Boston, Providence, NYC and then
ferry from Woods Hole or New Bedford. Their info is:
A reminder about the two-week, 72-hour Permaculture Design Certificate
Course on the Vineyard from May 2nd - 15th, with a fellow permaculture
teachers Doug Crouch and Kaila Binney. As in the past courses here, it will
be based at the Youth Hostel, and will venture into the community for
project-based field trips. The flyer is available on the website Doug and I
have created:
We are also planning now for the third annual Fall PDC Course with MV-PG
from Sept 13 - 24 on Martha's Vineyard. Sept. is not technically Summer, but
it is great early Fall weather on the Vineyard. Info up shortly on
Dick Pierce
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Scott Vlaun <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a friend that is looking for a PDC this summer on the East
> Coast. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Scott Vlaun
> Moose Pond Arts+Ecology
> Design Solutions for a Sustainable Future
> 450 Main Street, Studio 2
> Norway, Maine 04268
> 207-739-2409 Studio
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SE-NE (summer) & Austin, TX (winter)
cell-512-992-8858 <>
Jan 30-Apr 3 - PDC Design Course,
Austin TX - 10 Sat's.
Jan - Mar -Citizen Gardener Classes
-Dick's PC-Bio. on
-You Tube Dick Pierce for video clips
[permaculture] PDC in the East this summer?,
Scott Vlaun, 04/08/2010
- Re: [permaculture] PDC in the East this summer?, Jono Neiger, 04/08/2010
- Re: [permaculture] PDC in the East this summer?, Dick Pierce, 04/08/2010
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [permaculture] PDC in the East this summer?,
Cory, 04/08/2010
- Re: [permaculture] PDC in the East this summer?, Jackie Pitts, 04/08/2010
- Re: [permaculture] PDC in the East this summer?, Cory, 04/08/2010
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