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permaculture - [permaculture] Keyline & Carbon Farming with Darren Doherty

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  • From: Ben Falloon <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] Keyline & Carbon Farming with Darren Doherty
  • Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 08:05:03 +1100

G'day all,

I'm pleased to announce the upcoming Keyline & Carbon Farming Workshop with Darren Doherty, being hosted at Taranaki Farm (for the first time), in Central Victoria, Australia. We've been hard at work over the last 18 months setting up a fairly solid keyline system here and now it's time to fling open the doors to all curious & die-hard keyliners, farmers, earthmovers, permaculturists, land managers, land- carers and especially those wanting to discover the keys to reversing climate change (including politicians!).

Who? : Darren Doherty
What? : Keyline & Carbon Farming
Where? : Taranaki Farm (Central Victoria, Australia)
When? : Mon 12th - Wed 14th April 2010 (3 Days)
How? :

Taranaki Farm is also the home of the recently cobbled together 'Compost Tea & Keyline Injection Rig' many of you have read about.

The course is an intensive blend of technical & practical sessions.

Topics include:

- comprehensive whole farm design
- amplified contour cultivation
- water storage on farm dams
- farm road layout
- earthworks
- gravity irrigation
- agroforestry
- holistic management
- soil carbon sequestration
- keyline's central tenant... RAPID TOPSOIL BUILDING.
- and heaps more...

The course is FarmReady Approved (#FRTC0672) so farmers, their immediate family, land managers etc can apply to be re-embursed their course fees and travel [conditions apply].

Help us make this a success! Forward these details to anyone you think would benefit attending this important workshop.

Full workshop details and bookings through

Kind regards,

Ben Falloon

0488 031 484
skype : benfalloon

Taranaki Farm (VIC)
5 Falloons Road Woodend
Victoria, Australia 3442

Beulah Farm (TAS)
67 Beulah Road
Beulah, Tasmania 7306
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Subject: [permaculture] Self-Learning,
Critical Thinking and the Trivium/Quadrivium
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Have you ever heard of the trivium and the quadrivium. These are styles of
learning which go way back and allow people to learn any subject by
themselves once they have learned how to learn & think for themselves. In
other words without having to depend on others to keep on learning. It also
builds critical thinking and the ability to discern when untruths and other
manipulations are used to gain power or money. It is quite fascinating
because this form of learning has been repressed for over 700 years and has
been purposely kept away from our educational systems to keep people dumbed
down and servile to the corporations' agenda and the people of authority
protecting them. I probably have not done justice to explaining it properly,
but feel it is an important tool for our times. So, if you are in the least
bit interested in finding out more about it, check out the following
bibliographic resources:

1. This is podcast 002 of The Peace Revolution, a public service project of
Tragedy and Hope Magazine, and is titled " The Million Dollar Education".
There is also an extensive list of references and tools to delve further
into this subject. You can find it here:<>

2. Here are two podcasts (#49 & 50) of Gnostic Media & Publishing which
delve into the trivium and quadrivium. The guest being interviewed, Gene
Odening, was trained in this learning system in his youth and shares his
knowledge of it and observations of its absence in modernity and also about
how it is possible to regain it, learn it.

As well, there is a magazine I would like to suggest and encourage you to
look at. It is called Tragedy and Hope magazine.This is an online magazine
which has just formed and is releasing it's premiere issue. You can
subscribe (monthly or yearly) but their first issue is available for a 2
week trial period. It seems like a very well thought out and quality piece
of journalism. They are at



  • [permaculture] Keyline & Carbon Farming with Darren Doherty, Ben Falloon, 01/24/2010

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