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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Haiti Permacorps

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: "Scott Pittman" <>
  • To: "'permaculture'" <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Haiti Permacorps
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 19:57:32 -0700

[please forward widely]



John Calvert here, freelance web designer and webmaster for the
International Permaculture Conference.

I have just launched to serve as a portal for
permaculture in Haiti, in urgent response to the earthquake catastrophe.
Thanks to Wes Roe for helping make this happen.

This website is a community effort - please check out the site, participate,
send articles/news/info, make suggestions, volunteer or donate.

You can begin by subscribing to the email list.

The site is set up for blogging. Other features that are very possible and
quick to set up are: forums, photo galleries, chat, and social networking.
Fund raising by online donation is also very possible, especially if we get
an umbrella non-profit involved.

Please spread the word!

John Calvert

Just received this email from John Calvert thought it germane to Haiti

I spent three years trying to develop a Farmer's Training Program in Haiti
but the violence and environmental disruptions at the time caused my funder
to pull out. I still think that in the long term Haiti needs a sustainable
development program which would mean kicking out all of the ineffectual
government and non-profits out and using the money for something real.

Millions have been spent on failed reforestation attempts while nothing has
been spent on fuel for cooking and basic household use. I told one large
NGO (Pan American Development Fund)there that the money would have been
better spent bringing in a tanker of propane and giving it away at the three
major docking areas of Haiti to take the pressure off of the existing forest
( 4% remains).

Haiti has always been the dream of U.S. industrialists as a cheap labor pool
nearby, and that is our only interest in the country. We have never cared
about the brutal dictatorships of the Duvaliers, or the total destruction of
the environment. We will spend a trillion dollars destroying Iraq and
Afghanistan while offering a few millions to aid Haiti. Between the U.S.
and France Haiti has never had a chance.

Scott Pittman
Permaculture Institute

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