Subject: permaculture
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- From: Tripp Tibbetts <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville
- Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:39:35 -0800 (PST)
I'd love to see Skeeter's take on lightning as a nitrogen fixer. My
grandfather claims nitrogen for his garden this way in thunderstorm-prone
south Georgia, but I haven't a clue how that works.
The best fertilizer is the gardener's shadow.
-Chinese proverb
--- On Tue, 1/12/10, Stephan Maré <> wrote:
From: Stephan Maré <>
Subject: [permaculture] a tour of cobville
To: "permaculture" <>
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 6:44 AM
How about a tour of the homestead!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: paul wheaton <>
Date: 2010/1/12
Subject: Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville
To: permaculture <>
I'm glad you said something!
Thanks is the fuel that gets me to push this sort of thing up.
I was just shuffling through my other video clips and thinking "what
should I push up next?"
I have:
- lots of stuff with a rocket mass heater for a greenhouse
- skeeter on lightning as a N fixer
- skeeter on lungwort
- solar food dryer
- bullock brothers classroom
- a micro coop for an urban chicken paddock shift system
- using a fro to make shakes
- splitting logs for posts
- mike oehler's ridge top house
- mike oehler's below ground shelter
- mike oehler's above ground "sleeper"
- tour of the homestead
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Armed With A Mind Armed With A Mind
<> wrote:
> Thank you so much for posting that. It's well along the lines of what
we've been talking about doing here, and to have this video to present to
the group is one step further to the reality.
>> Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2010 21:59:05 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: [permaculture] a tour of cobville
>> This is part 1 of 2. I hope to get part 2 up in a day or two.
>> I think there are eight cob cottages in the tour?
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>From Tue Jan 12 13:46:08 2010
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Subject: [permaculture] Fw: New Cumberland BC Cumberlander Article: How
should the world respond to climate change?
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Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 10:43 AM
Subject: New Cumberland BC Cumberlander Article: How should the world respond
to climate change?
Global · Climate Change section
How should the world respond to climate change?
Dwayne Rourke
I wonder if any of you have had the experience of simply questioning people
about their assumption that global warming is human-caused, only to be
immediately labeled as a "climate change denier" and relegated to the same
category as "holocaust deniers" and their ilk. Yikes! Excuse me for living!
To the great disappointment of people I thought were more open minded, I have
questioned the authoritative pronouncements of people like Al Gore, the IPCC
and its many proponents locally , such as columnist Ray Grigg. Such
questioning has put me into entirely new relationship dynamics with these
It seems to me that anyone who espouses to be an authority on climate change
or any other matters, but who is unwilling to face up to scrutiny of their
basic assumptions, deserves to be further challenged and challenged deeply.
My concerns are amplified if these same people are alarmist in their
presentation of what they deem to be the facts of the matter.
Al Gore is set to profit billions of dollars from the consequent alarm
generated by his "educational" endeavors. Challenges to his public
pronouncements have revealed a number of glaring untruths, not the least of
which is his dramatic use of the infamous and now completely discredited
"hockey stick" graph regarding the relationship between CO2 and global
temperature rise.There are more untruths woven into Gore's presentations. An
Al Gore Google search will reveal them to you if you are interested.
If you have been dubbed a "climate change denier" whilst aspiring to
investigate all manner of information source in making up your own mind about
how to deal with climate change, you will be especially interested in the
following CBC: IDEAS audio interview (podcast link, below) with Larry
Solomon, author of the book The Deniers: The World Renowned Scientists Who
Stood Up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution, and Fraud.
>From the CBC website:
"The science is settled" is now the mantra of climate change activism. Those
who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long
time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the
science is not settled. He talks with Ideas producer David Cayley.
For CBC podcast, click HERE.
To view this and other articles, or to unsubscribe from this service, visit
Cumberland BC Cumberlander at
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Subject: Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville (and other videos)
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Hi Paul,
Personally I'd love to see the urban chicken system, being that I am urban
and wanting chickens. But Skeeter -- on any topic -- is always welcome.
----- Original Message -----
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: paul wheaton
Date: 2010/1/12
Subject: Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville
To: permaculture
I'm glad you said something!
Thanks is the fuel that gets me to push this sort of thing up.
I was just shuffling through my other video clips and thinking "what
should I push up next?"
I have:
- lots of stuff with a rocket mass heater for a greenhouse
- skeeter on lightning as a N fixer
- skeeter on lungwort
- solar food dryer
- bullock brothers classroom
- a micro coop for an urban chicken paddock shift system
- using a fro to make shakes
- splitting logs for posts
- mike oehler's ridge top house
- mike oehler's below ground shelter
- mike oehler's above ground "sleeper"
- tour of the homestead
[permaculture] a tour of cobville,
paul wheaton, 01/11/2010
Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville,
Armed With A Mind Armed With A Mind, 01/12/2010
Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville,
paul wheaton, 01/12/2010
[permaculture] a tour of cobville,
Stephan Maré, 01/12/2010
- Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville, Tripp Tibbetts, 01/12/2010
- Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville, Armed With A Mind Armed With A Mind, 01/12/2010
[permaculture] a tour of cobville,
Stephan Maré, 01/12/2010
Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville,
paul wheaton, 01/19/2010
- Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville, Tripp Tibbetts, 01/19/2010
Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville,
paul wheaton, 01/12/2010
Re: [permaculture] a tour of cobville,
Armed With A Mind Armed With A Mind, 01/12/2010
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