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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Nutritional Health for Heart and Arteries

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  • From: Jeff <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Nutritional Health for Heart and Arteries
  • Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 18:31:12 -0700

Hey Lawrence, would you teach us to make miso soup?

Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote:
Larry, you wrote:
"...Anyway to start the ball rolling what is the best route to heart and artery health (ignoring inherited genetic factors)?
I think of grass fed meat on occasion [2-5 times (meals] per month), a high fiber diet lots of fresh raw vegetables and
fruits, maybe muscadine grape seed and skin freeze dried extract. Start early in life with good dietary habits...."
That would all be great which you wrote, but the fastest acting things I can think of are Cayenne Pepper in capsules + Hawthorn Berries. The Hawthorn Berry can be taken any time, but make sure the Cayenne is surrounded by food, both in front of the capsules and behind them.
The Hawthorn Berry feeds the Heart muscle and the Cayenne tonifies and clears the arteries and heals tissues.
The above info is per Dr. John Raymond Christopher, whose works on herbs I have collected and studied for years.

Hello Linda:
Glad you are also interested in the pchealth list. I've been wanting to
get a good heath & nutrition forum going for years, just never thought of orienting it toward the permaculture community. I guess the time is right for that now.

Crops, foods, food preparation are favorite topics of mine, have been
since I discovered macrobiotic foods, primarily vegetarian, in the late sixties thanks to a few Meher Baba fellow travellers and a macrobiotic genius from California who taught me how to make miso soup, whole grain brown rice and generally the whole conservative, disciplined approach to
macrobiotic dieting. He came to it by way of noticing one day when
standing up and looking down he could not see his feet (remember the Rolaids ad with the schmoo-shaped guy with indigestion gyrating around to the beat of a kettledrum). He decided he needed to go on a diet.
The world of macrobiotics saved him.

I am not familiar with the use of hawthorn berries but I will learn.
Maybe I have some supplements with that in them.

Rhodiola is an interesting medicinal herb. New Chapter offers a nice
supplement with this as the primary ingredient. Also, for same reasons, ginkgo, fo-ti & gotu kola.

For heart and artery health I would add the following to your list containing cayenne and hawthorn:

probiotics: kombucha, kim chee, unpasteurized kraut, rejeuvelac, seed cheese, soy yoghurt, any of the many refrigerated powdered supplements offered by such companies as New Chapter: All Flora, Smooth Food II, anti-agring formula, others; their vitamins have a probiotics component

garlic and onion

whole grains and beans (I like the canned beans offered by supermarkets and Whole Foods (their house brands are very competitively priced and equal to all others); also white and yellow grits, steel cut and rolled oats, barley, rice (long, medium and short grain, jasmine, red, black, sweet, sticky, wild, etc.)

get plenty of fiber in your diet

oat bran, flax seed meal

soy products: tofu, soy milk, soy yoghurt, tempeh

probably all kinds of antioxidant foods: carrots, citrus, various berries

probiotics should be taken at every meal

proper food combining for maximum nutrition through maximum digestion

always wait until you have fully digested one meal before you eat another

never overeat

only eat when you are hungry

reduce salt intake

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