Subject: permaculture
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- From: Jocelyn Campbell <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Good idea.
- Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 20:55:58 -0700
I second that idea! Here in the Seattle area, I use, which is
in many other major cities, too.
Spud does a market box of local produce - which you can configure to your
own amounts and preferences.
Spud also carries local groceries and local deli food made from local
Spud delivers in recycled plastic bins that are reused each week.
Each Spud delivery van replaces 100 cars going to the store.
Spud cold storage is more energy efficient than grocery stores - no open
cases, lights off at night, etc.
It's a no brainer to get my weekly basics delivered to my door each week--I
love it!
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Keith Johnson <>wrote:
> Farm Fresh Delivery has donated over *7 tons* of produce and dry goods
> to local food banks in it's first year and a half of business.
> Farm Fresh Delivery is committed to providing fresh, flavorful foods
> free of additives and preservatives. We believe in supporting farmers
> and artisans who create products sustainably for the health of our
> community, local economy, and the environment. We are proud of the foods
> we deliver, and we look forward to adding many more products as we
> expand our network of suppliers. For more information about our
> suppliers, see Farmers and Artisans
> <>.
> Keith Johnson
> "Be fruitful and mulch apply."
> Permaculture Activist Magazine
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[permaculture] Good idea.,
Keith Johnson, 04/03/2009
- Re: [permaculture] Good idea., Jocelyn Campbell, 04/03/2009
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