Subject: permaculture
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[permaculture] Tennessee event to vision a sustainable economy for a rural town
- From: "Robert Waldrop" <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: [permaculture] Tennessee event to vision a sustainable economy for a rural town
- Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 09:19:32 -0500
Over the last few weeks, the financial masters of the Universe have been
meeting in grand conferences. Held in world capitals, the cash glitterati
have been conspicuous in their open conspiracy to take from Main Street and
give to Wall Street.
They'd like for everyone to believe there is no alternative to their schemes.
But that is part of their shock and awe propaganda campaign.
Although the national media will likely ignore this event, an important
meeting to plan grassroots, community, Main Street alternatives as we go
forward through the crash of the American Empire, will convene October 24-28.
This won't happen in a world capital, but rather in Hohenwald, Tennessee,
which is about 80 miles from Nashville.
We will apply the design discipline of permaculture to the situation of a
small rural town, and consider a sustainable way forward for that area
through the coming decline years. Twenty presenters/instructors include
community investment experts, sustainability entrepreneurs, permaculture
designers, and local food system people.
We will learn to map the financial eco-system of a community, to apply
permaculture principles to a business plan, and invest in sustainable,
grassroots, home-grown enterprises.
We will answer the question - what does a sustainable, working model for a
modern American rural community look like?
Read more about the event . As of this
writing, more than 100 people have signed up, plus the 20 presenters.
If you can't attend, you can follow the events as they unfold on the internet
via presenter and design team blogs, podcasts, and video clips. The gateway
for joining us online is .
I will be presenting Sunday afternoon through Tuesday, on my work here in
Oklahoma City in developing local food systems via the Oklahoma Food
Bob Waldrop, Oklahoma Food Coop (my political/financial blog)
- [permaculture] Tennessee event to vision a sustainable economy for a rural town, Robert Waldrop, 10/20/2008
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