Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Seed Savers Exchange
- Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 21:31:14 -0500 wrote:
Hello Marshall,
Only on a very few of the excellent points you have raised do I disagree with you.
IMO these recent events do point up the absolute necessity of developing
alternatives to SSE. Lots of individual alternatives if possible.
Alternatives like each one of us.
This group deserves to be crippled, just as they have crippled the members of
the SSE and Kent Whealy, and obscured the purpose of the SSE. I like to call
this the 'Cosmic Flyswatter Effect'.
Marshall, IMO a widespread and disbursed (Grassroots) seed saving effort is
exactly what should be developed. The intent is to develop alternatives *for
us* to dependence upon this new and apparently suspect group. If that
supplants the SSE, oh well.
Otherwise we are surrendering our goals to every bunch that comes along
pulling strongarm tactics on us.
The SSE would never have existed if it were not for ill-equipped, ill-trained
seedsaving pioneers like all of us who were kind enough to share their
precious seeds with SSE in the first place.
IMO doing nothing does *not* support Kent Whealy. Kent is asking that
something be done about this, and he is asking our help. SSE hopes no one
will do anything. They tried to pay Kent $200K+ to make sure of it.
In addition, there are 2 herds of living beings, the White Park Cattle, whose
quality of life and health are increasingly at risk while everyone does
I agree with you completely on every point, Linda.
When my seedsavers list and my wiki/blog/forums is up and configured, a seedsavers resource for all of us to use will eb my first project.
Maybe you could tell me what you'd like to see in such a resource.
The front end will be the blog and from there you can go to the wiki or the forums or to the seedsavers list, to subscribe or to read the archives. Users will be required to register in order to post anything anywhere;
public can browse.
How would a seedsavers Data & Resource Center be structured (using our wiki)?
Re: [permaculture] Seed Savers Exchange,
Jay Woods, 01/21/2008
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [permaculture] Seed Savers Exchange,
LINDARAY, 01/21/2008
- Re: [permaculture] Seed Savers Exchange, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 01/21/2008
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