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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] PCer rush to buy land?

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  • From:
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  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] PCer rush to buy land?
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 14:16:04 -0400

How prices will play out in rural areas who can say, but we are at the start
of the bursting of the huge real estate bubble in this country. How deep it
will get and how far prices will fall who can say, but I suspect there will
be a lot of brutal reality setting in over the next two years.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 11:11 am
Subject: [permaculture] PCer rush to buy land?

J. Kolenovsky commented that he didn't think there is any rush by PC
folks to buy land. I dunno about a "rush," but we are in the process of
purchasing land ourselves and were astrounded to find how much land prices
in the last 4 years or so, in the area of SW WI where we were looking.
Realtors there told us that it's because a lot of folks are interested in

someplace where they can live more sustainably.

Our experience certainly seems to confirm this. When we put a small
notice up on a natural foods co-op notice board, saying that we were
in buying land in partnership, we had a message from our present partner on
our answering machine before we got home. A few weeks later we got a call
from another party who had been looking for land in the same area and heard
what we are doing, and they may join us, too. Along with friends of theirs
who also had been looking for land in the same area. All of us wanting to
create a permaculture farm community.

BTW, we still have room for a couple more homes. And there is another
terrific property in the area available that it'd be nice to see become a PC
community instead of some rich guy's private valley. (It's about 340
with some wonderful river frontage, so the price was too high for our group

In the same area, we attended a meeting of some other strawbale/PC types
who intend to form communities on land already owned by two of the parties
who hosted the meeting.

So I think it's accurate to say that in part of SW WI, there is indeed a
movement going on.

Shivani in WI

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