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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] For women who'd like to pee in the garden

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Subject: permaculture

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  • From: KNat <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] For women who'd like to pee in the garden
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:04:06 -0500

I reviewed products for women's backcountry and the open channel was not as good as the tube type for women who wear flies (fine for loose garments though.) Travel-mate favored in that review. But the costs are pretty out of line for my lifestyle. The best yet was a prototype which we recognized and copied. It was just a slot hole drilled in the lower tip of a medicine spoon. It comes with a cap so mess in pocket/purse are minimal and it can be boiled or autoclaved for the germ-phobic and not need disposing. Dollar stores mark up a lot but it's still only a buck and 10 minutes effort. Here's a site for the adventurous education center/study group that wishes to make their mark on a changing culture for women outdoors.


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