Subject: permaculture
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[permaculture] permaculture ideas for refugee camps
- From: neshura <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: [permaculture] permaculture ideas for refugee camps
- Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 20:14:28 -0500
A friend of mine emailed me with a request for information -- not a
very detailed request, but does anyone have any experience thinking
about or working with permaculture in refugee camps? It's a bit of an
odd thing, to think of permaculture in the context of a "temporary"
camp, but given that some camps are probably semi-permanent and
cash-poor, I thought maybe the permaculture folks have some idea about
what kind of techniques would be particularly suited to a situation in
which one does not own the land per se, but ends must be met and
children fed nonetheless. If I recall correctly, someone recently
attributed to John Jeavons the thought that potatoes as a
nutrient-dense garden crop were a good basis for max yield on min
land. Potatoes are of course not suitable in all climates, but maybe
bio-intensive is more suited to a temporary lifestyle than
Hypotheticals, thoughts, comments?
I'm working on a proposal for a class involving a home gardening project in a
refugee camp.
I was hoping you could clue me in to some resources on small-scale sustainable
gardening (ie, 'natural' pesticides, examples of good techniques, etc).
[permaculture] permaculture ideas for refugee camps,
neshura, 02/25/2007
- Re: [permaculture] permaculture ideas for refugee camps, Robyn Francis, 02/25/2007
- Re: [permaculture] permaculture ideas for refugee camps, Sharon Gordon, 02/25/2007
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [permaculture] permaculture ideas for refugee camps, Charles de Matas, 02/26/2007
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