Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] "sustainable ag" series for KBCS news
- From: Thomas Allen <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] "sustainable ag" series for KBCS news
- Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 13:21:08 -0800
Thanks for the inquiry. See request for information below links.
Could you send us a link to these programs if they are downloadable?
I'd like to take a listen, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
KBCS main archive page:
Eventually I'll get all the programs on radio4all where its easier to navigate than on the KBCS pages. info&uid=2968&nav=producer-directory&
Links to individual programs:
St. Patrick Watches Rome Fall OWR_20060316_St_Patrick.mp3
Heinberg on Oil pt.s 2&3 - All 4 to be posted to radio4all shortly OWR_20060420_PeakOil_TomAllen.mp3 OWR_20060427_PeakOil_Part3_TomAllen.mp3
Oil for Food in America info&program_id=21603&nav=producer-directory&
Costa Rican Coffee, Biodiesel & Permaculture OWR_20061116_Permaculture_TA.mp3
Govt. Regs. Thwart Food Localization Efforts info&program_id=21773&nav=producer-directory&
What is Permaculture? OWR_20061221_Permaculture_TA.mp3
Portland Stares Down Global Warming OWR_20070207_Why_Portland_TA.mp3
Request for Information
I want to do a story on the seed monopoly issue that cropped up on the list last week.
I'll air it next Thursday, Mar. 1, if I can get all the information together in time. I sent a query email to Grain asking for sources and had a couple of questions they might not be able to answer. Perhaps people on this list can help.
1. Will WTO imposed monopolies on seeds extend to heirlooms? Are they already controlled in UK and EU?
2. What will be the extent of the negative effects on seed savers and purveyors like Seed Savers Exchange or on Peace Seeds who propagate cultivars not normally in commercial channels?
3. Could the farm bill up for renewal in US Congress this year be used to block such action by WTO?
4. Is this a wish list or has the measure gotten real traction?
Also, have you gotten any feedback on the pieces, and have theyI have gotten feedback on the programs and it has been universally positive with one exception--when I questioned the efficacy of biodiesel and ethanol as a solution to our motor fuel problem. That said, most of the feedback has been from activists working in the areas I've explored on the air. So, as with so many of us, I'm usually preaching to the choir. But then, the choir needs a pep talk now and again.
opened folks' minds?
There is one group for whom the information is almost entirely new. Ironically, it's the station staff and other public affairs volunteers. They're mostly young....20s, early 30s and focused on social justice issues. They like to cover protests, demonstrations, urban gentrification, Lt. Watada's trial at Ft. Louis and the like.
In my view these stories are symptoms of a much larger structural problem, that is the global activities of international finance and corporations. Even what I do is covering symptoms to a degree but hopefully closer to the roots. I try to encourage solutions that get at the roots, cultivate the mycelium unseen at the surface and nurture the soil in which solutions can grow. That focus isn't lost on the choir I believe but may be too subtle for the rest. Hopefully, the choir will explain it to them.
Here are some links to my programs:
On Sunday, February 25, 2007, at 08:42 AM, Jim wrote:
Hi Thomas-
I've been impressed with the permaculture-friendly but under-recognized work of the EF Schumacher Society
in Great Barrington, MA since shortly after getting my PDC last year.
Today they made the Sunday New York Times with their effort to
start a new local currency.
This piece may be limited to paid subscribers (I read the digital NYT so much,
I feel fine about plunking down $50/year for it).
You can see an overview of past EF Schumacher Society lectures at
-- Jim
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 14:27:37 -0800
From: Thomas Allen <>
Subject: Re: [permaculture] permaculture as noun, verb, adjective
The discussion is getting 'round to a conceptual framework that defines
permaculture. I've wrestled with that recently while producing
"sustainable ag" series for KBCS news in Seattle. The term permaculture
has popped up in at least half of the last dozen segments. And people
ask me, "What is Permaculture?" So I finally did a "what it is"
permaculture piece about a month or so ago. It's really hard to do in
six minutes. I hope I got it right. Michael Pilarski and Marisha
Auerbach talked about what they thought is is. (They're regional
permaculture design teachers for you out-of-area folks.)
permaculture mailing list
[permaculture] "sustainable ag" series for KBCS news,
Jim, 02/25/2007
- Re: [permaculture] "sustainable ag" series for KBCS news, Thomas Allen, 02/25/2007
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