Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Kathy Evans" <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: [permaculture] spirituality and permaculture
- Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 14:19:55 -0600
Yes, and I find meaning in permaculture in the eastern traditions of yoga,
meditation, pranayam, and Ayurveda---the notion that it is the prana or life
energy present in our food that enlivens and nourishes us, more so than what
is typically measured, ie, calories, grams of fat, and mgs of vitamins. I
personally am not a raw foods person...I think that suits certain people in
certain climates and certain times of their lives...but for all of us, fresh
and whole and organic is critical. I would make this comparison: you could
hand someone a score of a Mozart piano concerto and say, "You're going to
love this! It has 83 middle C's, over a dozen high A's, and fourteen trills."
That to me is like measuring calories and grams. But if you play the, that's something different! I think food grown sustainably,
organically, lovingly, perennially, offers such sweeter music to us, body and
soul, than what's on the shelf at the mega groceries. And that which is
processed, boxed, sprayed, bleached, etc., may measure certain grams of this
and that, but it's dead and therefore nearly useless to us.
Kathy Evans
- [permaculture] spirituality and permaculture, Kathy Evans, 11/15/2006
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