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  • From: Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson <>
  • To:, permaculture list <>,,,,,,,,
  • Subject: [permaculture] The Sixth International Ecocity Conference (Ecocity6) Bangalore, India 3rd 6th December 2006
  • Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 06:12:24 -0800

The Sixth International Ecocity Conference (Ecocity6)
Bangalore, India 3rd 6th December 2006

Project Agastya and the Center for Sustainable Development, Bangalore, India in association with the Ecocity Builders, Inc., USA and several other organizations (Indian & International), are organizing the Sixth International Ecocity Conference (Ecocity 6) at Bangalore during December 2006.

The Theme of the Conference is : "From Theory and Planning to Development Transforming a City into an Ecocity". The Venue of the important events is the J N Tata Auditorium, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Landmark event following 5 earlier pioneering & high profile conferences in other continents, the first held in Berkeley, USA (1990); Adelaide, Australia (1992); Yoff/Dakar, Senegal (1996), Curitiba, Brazil (2000) and Shenzhen, China (2002)

The Conference Series brings bringing together some of the world’s best brains in Urban Planning & Development, Governance, Environment, Technologies, Education, Non-Government Organizations and Industry.
The Organizing Committee of the International Ecocity Conference (Ecocity6) invites you to participate in the various events associated with this landmark Summit, and submit your works (paper(s) and poster(s)) presentation on topics outlined.

Who should Participate/Attend
Mayors, City Managers, elected Representatives, Planners, Architects, Developers, Designers, Environmental Specialists, Social Justice Activists and Organizers, Permaculture Practitioners, Farmers, Gardeners, Teachers, Students, Businesses, Corporations, Non Profit Organizations, Environmentalists, Writers, Wilderness Advocates, Bioengineers, Transportation Planners, Bicycle Advocates, Waste Treatment Specialists, Ecologists, Regional Planners, Water Specialists, Community Organizers, and anyone wanting to learn more about the healthy city of the future: the Ecocity.
Facilities for Trade/Business/commercial exhibition are also available.

The detailed Program Schedule with dates and venues shall be published by 15th November 2006 and available at the website: and

The Venue for the main programs is the JN Tata Auditorium, the National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India.

· All abstracts of presentations and posters will be published in the Book of Abstracts for distribution at the conference.
· Abstracts will also be available on Internet.
· Compilation of selected full papers and posters will be published after the convention.
· Other papers may be published in recommended journals (list will be available on the website).
· Other proposed Publications include technical & Research Books and an eJournal on Ecocity Development.

Planning and Implementation : Theory, Research, tools & Methodology; harmonization & adoption; Financial & Economic instrumentations, Technology & Stakeholder Participation; Private Public Participation, Case Studies; etc.

City layout, design and architecture; Urban Infrastructure Urban Transportation and Shared Urbanscaps; Urban fractal & Integral Neighbourhoods; Peri-urban Regions;, Ecologically Built Environments [Urban Housing/Peri-Urban Housing; Industries; Workplaces; etc.]; Industrial Ecology; Vision & Policy Framework; Legal issues/legislation; Urban Agri-Forestry Issues & Vegetation; Rivers, Lakes & Wetlands; Ecological Demonstration Projects; Ecology of Urban Visual Environment, etc.

Urban impacts on climate & Ecocity solutions; etc.

Integrated Sustainable Water & Resources Management; Integrated Sustainable Waste Management; Health & Sanitation; Ecological Sanitation; Power & Energy; Urban Transport Management; Air & Soil Pollution; Public Safety & Security; Eco-Tourism, Leisure & Entertainment ; Urban Poverty & unemployment; etc.

Citizens Responsibilities & Participation; Community & Neighborhoods; NGOs; Government Stakeholders & Facilitators; Role of the industry in a City (Corporate Social Responsibility) & Public-Private Ventures; Role of Youth & Students; Role of Women; Media in Cities of the Future/ Ecocity; Awareness & Education (Capacity Building); Crime & Social Justice;; Democratic Practices & Political Science; etc.

Revival & Restoration - Art, Culture, Heritage, Social History; Cultural Heritage & Architecture Issues; City as a Biosystem; BioDiversity; Urban Diversity & Integration; Migration/Trans-Migration; etc.

Mechanical, Technology and Materials, Manufacturing, Eco-Industrial Development, Utilization of Wastes and resources No-Waste and Reuse Technologies, Industrial and Socio-Economic Impact on National Development, Energy Studies, Flexible & Agile Manufacturing, Metal Casting Technology, Technology Research and Development, Engineering Education, Technologies in Manufacturing

a) Offers you a platform to network for sharing Experiences, Knowledge, Technologies, Institutional & Professional Services, etc.;
b) Update your knowledge on the latest advances in the disciplines;
c) Publish, Present & Discuss your work/initiative with your peers, as well as other stakeholders;
d) Identify & Initiate new partnerships/collaborations for your city initiative, and Compare with other City initiatives/successful initiatives;
e) Your research work will be publicized internationally; and
f) Find partners for your technology, research & projects.

Salient Features of Ecocity6
1. Landmark event following 5 earlier pioneering & high profile conferences in other continents, bringing together some of the world’s best brains in Urban Planning & Development, Governance, Environment, Technologies, Education, Non-Government Organisations and Industry.
2. Tremendous response
– Over 250 abstracts & poster submissions till 1st September 2006 57 from India & 145 from other countries.
– 127 accepted papers & posters 53 from India, 74 from other countries.
– Over 400 confirmed delegates, mostly foreign. Total participation = 750+
– Delegates representing over 80 international institutions & organizations from over 45 countries.
– Endorsed by several reputed international organizations around the world.
3. The conference shall launch new international initiatives in Urban Development & Environment.
4. The Conference shall launch Ecocity programs in the ASEAN Region
5. A number of peer group events including Industry Meets and Architectural interactions are envisaged.

Project Agastya proposes 3 key developments as a part of the Ecocity6 :
• The establishment of the International Ecocity Society (Ecocity6 proposes to enunciate the organizing campaign that would culminate in the launch of the Society at Ecocity7);
• Creation of the Ecocity Movement in India & the SAARC nations with achievable objectives, timeframe & instruments;
• Creation of Local Ecocity partnerships (Bangalore & Karnataka in the first instance).

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Justice M N Venkatachaliah - Chairman of International Ecocity6 Committee [President, The 25/Bangalore Foundation; Former Chief Justice in the Supreme Court of India, and former Chairman, National Human Rights Commission].

Er. Ramachandra Gowda Patron & Chairman, National Ecocity6 Committee; Minister for Science & Technology, Govt. of Karnataka.

Ar. Richard Register - Author of ‘Ecocities Building Cities in Balance with Nature’; Founder of the International Ecocity Conference Series; President of Ecocity Builders, USA.

Dr. Rusong Wang, on Ecocity theory - State Key Lab of System Ecology and Sustainability Science, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice President, The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, (SCOPE /ICSU), President, Ecological Society of China, Beijing; Member, Chinese Peoples Congress (Member of Parliament/ Congress); and Convener of the Fifth International Ecocity Conference, China.

Dr. A Ravindra, IAS (Rtd.) - Vice Chair, International Ecocity6 Committee; Founder & Chairman, Centre for Sustainable Development Chairman of the Steering Committee, Project Agastya; Former Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka, former Commissioner of the Bangalore City Corporation. He is an Urban Development expert.

Ar. Kirstin Miller on Ecocity mapping - Program Director and head of several projects at Ecocity Builders, USA; ecocity class instructor at the University of California at Berkeley, USA.

Prof. Jeff Kenworthy, on city form and function - Professor at Murdoch University, Perth, Australia; Author and world’s top expert on the form and functioning of cities in relation to energy, transport, pollution, climate change, wealth and poverty and related topics, having worked for the UN, many cities internationally, the World Bank and others, Australia.

Mr. Andrew MacKillop - Posts in national and international energy, economic and administrative organizations and entities in Europe, Asia and N America from 1975, Administration and management of programs and projects in national government ministries, including advisory to ministers; Coordination and Research of energy development programs., renewable energy development and industrial production of renewable energy, Author of ‘The Final Energy Crisis’ & ‘Oil Crisis and Economic Adjustment’ (With Salah al Shaikhly)

Mr. P K Shanbhag on Ecological Sensibility - Chairman, Project Agastya - Bangalore; Chief Coordinator, International Ecocity6 Committee.

Mr. Rajeev Kumar - Conference host and co-founder & CEO of Project Agastya, an NGO working for better, more efficient and sustainable Bangalore City development in Bangalore, India.

Ms. Debra Effroymson -PATH Canada (Project for Appropriate Technologies in Health) delivering health, planning and transportation consultation in India, Bangladesh, Vietnam and other countries, Bangladesh.

Dr. Bruono Rout Expert on Waste Water Treatment; Diplomat, French Diplomatic Mission in India.

Dr. Rob Simmons International Water Management Institute.

Dr. Johannes Heeb - Engineer and Green Building Materials expert; seecon; President of the International Ecological Engineering Society, Switzerland.

Ar. Tom Haynes - Architect with extensive experience in India; Head of Research for William Boag Architects and Managing Director of Create Innovation Pty Ltd delivering sustainability knowledge and technology to Asia, Australia.

Dr. Christine Werner - EcoSan Project, GTZ, Germany.

Mr. Jockin Arputham Winner of the Prestigious Magsaysay Prize (June 2000 for Community Leadership & International understanding - known as ‘the Asian Nobel Prize’), Founder president International Slum Dwellers’ Association & the National Slum Dwellers Association (India), international expert on Slum re-development and work on the urban under-privileged.

Ar. Vasiliy A.Filin - Director of Moscow Centre “Videoecology”, Academician of International Academy of Sciences, Moscow - on “Ecology of Urban Visual Environment”.

Mr. Mike Handcock - Author, Presenter, Creator, Innovator, New Zealand, on Innovation & Creativity in Non-profit ventures.

Ar. Lalit K. Bhati - Professional planner and Resident of Auroville, India - experimental international town of peace that has been reforesting its region of India and leading sustainability thinking in intentional community circles internationally since its founding in 1965, India.

Prof. M P Chowdiah Former President, the Institution of Engineers (India), Founder Director, Centre for Agile Manufacturing Research & Development (CAgMA), Bangalore University and renowned expert of Green Manufacturing & Eco-Industrialisation in India.

Tentative Program Schedule§Dec. 2nd ‘06:Press Meet/Public Functions§Dec. 3rd ‘06: Inauguration§Dec. 4th ‘06: Lead Plenary Session§Dec. 5th ‘06: Parallel Sessions§Dec. 6th ‘06: Parallel Sessions/ Valedictory session in the evening§Dec. 7th ‘06: Post Conference Workshop [Separate Registration required]

Categories of Participation & Registration Fees :a.) Regular : US$ 250/INR 7000 per participant.b.) Student : US$ 125/INR 2500 per participant.c.) Exhibitor : please see Exhibition & Commercial Guide per participant.d.) Business : US$ 250/INR 7000 per participant.f.) Group Registration: US$ 187.50/INR 5250 per participant (for delegation of 6 persons & above).g.) Author : US$ 187.50/INR 5250 per participant.

Registration Instructions :

The registration fee includes conference fees and meals arranged during the conference (3rd 6th December ‘06).
Please make all payments in favour of in form of Demand Drafts(Bankers’ cheques) only - in favour of The 25/Bangalore

Foundation a/c Ecocity6 payable at Bangalore [SB A/c. 11028, The Federal Bank Ltd. Residency Road, Bangalore - 560 001]. Payments can also be made using the e-Payment Gateway on the TCI conference Website.

All official nominees of institutions, students and Government delegates must produce proof of nomination [letter from the Head of the Departments/Institution with seal], travel & stay documents, passports and Official Identity Card (Original + 2 attested Xeroxes).

Seats shall be reserved against the receipt of the Pre-Arrival Registration Form. The Original copy with signature and Seal of the Institution is to personally presented on arrival at Bangalore at the Registration Desk.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse admission without giving any reasons.

For more information, please contact the Conference secretariat.

About the Organisers
Project Agastya is a Citizens’ voluntary initiative with active support, co-operation & participation of the Central & Karnataka Governments, the industry, Educational & Research Organisations, NGOs, Residential Associations, Community Based Organisations, facilitators, experts, etc., for transforming Bangalore into a Sustainable eco-city by 2025.

The 25/Bangalore Foundation & Project Agastya
seeks to “enhance the quality of life in Bangalore by transforming Bangalore into an Sustainable eco-City within a time frame, through efficient participation of Government, various stakeholders & NGOs, and deployment of Environmentally Sound Technologies”.

Centre for Sustainable Development is a Not for Profit NGO set up in 2003.
Its Team consists of well qualified experts and resource Persons in specialized area, and has a Governing Board comprising experienced professionals to guide its activities. CSD is involved in Environment Management, Urban Governance and Cleaner Production activities.
The Mission of CSD is to focus efforts on reducing poverty & pollution, and promote a life style that produces a more equitable, healthy and happy society.
Project Agastya, the 25/Bangalore Foundation and the Centre for Sustainable Development are headquartered in Bangalore India.

Ecocity Builders the founders & keepers of the International Ecocity Conference Series - is a Not for Profit NGO dedicated to reshaping cities, towns and villages for long term health of human and natural systems.
The Goals of Ecocity Builders include returning healthy biodiversity to the heart of cities, agriculture to gardens and the streets, and convenience and pleasure to walking, bicycling and transit.
Ecocity Builders visualize a future in which waterways in neighborhood environments and prosperous downtown centers are opened for curious children, fish, frogs and dragonflies.
Ecocity Builders work to build thriving neighborhood centers while reversing sprawl development, to build whole cities based on human needs and “access by proximity” rather than cities built in the current pattern of automobile driven excess, wasteful consumption and the destruction of the biosphere.
Ecocity Builders is headquartered in Oakland, California, USA. []

Project Agastya. Email :
MIG 122, KHB Colony 2nd Phase, Bangalore 560 079. INDIA
Mr. Rajeev Kumar, Chief Organizer & Chief Convener. Cell : (+91) 98 8619 4776.
Mr. P K Shanbhag, Chief Coordinator Phone : (+91) 98 8010 7467

Dr. A Ravindra, Chairman, The Centre for Sustainable Development
21ts Floor, Public Utility Building, M G Road, Bangalore 560 001.
Ph. : +91 80 65603839 Telefax. : +91 80 2532 3020.

Local Secretariat in the Americas
Ecocity Builders, PO Box 697 Oakland, CA, 94604
Contact: Kirstin Miller 1-510-419-0850 []

Travel Corporation of India Pvt. Ltd.

Authorised Travel, Accommodation & Logistics Partner
You may visit this site for more Submission of Abstracts, Registrations, Planning your travel, Accommodations, etc. -
- Online Registration for ecocity6 Conference
- Online Hotels booking (Star & Budget Hotels).
- Online pre & post Tours booking.
- Airport Transfers, - Air Travel Booking.
- Online Abstracts and full Text Submission.
Travel Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd.
No.9, Residency Road, Richmond Circle, Bangalore 560 025. Tel : 080-22105826 / 22105770. Fax : 080 22105651

Ecocity6, Bangalore 2006 is a joint initiative of the Center for Sustainable Development, Project Agastya, the 25/Bangalore Foundation and Ecocity Builders. We invite you to be a part of this land mark event : Ecocity6.

Hello Friends, Greetings from the International Organizing Committee of the Sixth International Ecocity Conference (Ecocity6), Bangalore 2006.

Just one month to go for Ecocity6 !!

We at Bangalore are gearing up to welcome you all to our city. I am happy to send you the latest update on Ecocity6 & also forward the latest Ecocity News letter.

Project Agastya along with our Partners are launching the Centre for Green Design & Research and the Energy Transition Institute & Fund at the Ecocity6. We are offering special admission to the Ecocity6 participants! Please let us know what you think about the CGDR, and how we can work together.

Pre-arrival Registration Form and email it immediately. This is to ensure you do not face any security problems. Entry to the Conference venue is strictly restricted for participants carrying the Identity Badges.

Please remember to submit the following at the Registration desk to receive your delegate/Business/Media Passes –

a.) Authorization Letter and attested Photo from the Head of your Institute/ Organization/ Department/ Agency/ Government (as applicable).
b.) Personal Identity card [Passport (non Indians)/PAN Card or Driver's License (Indians) & ID Card issued by your Head of your Institute/ Organization/ Department/ Agency/ Government (as applicable)
c.) Air/Train ticket, Accommodation & travel details (for Police verification) – applicable for all participants – Indian & Foreign
d.) Any special requests – regarding meetings, visiting any particular Organization/ department in Bangalore, Press meets, etc.
e.) For authors – 2 copies of your Paper, CV, & hand notes (Presentations) + 2 re-writable CDs containing your Paper (in MS Word & .pdf formats), poster (.pdf, CorelDraw/Illustrator & .jpg formats), Presentations (.ppt format). The CDs may be tested for media adaptability.
f.) 2 color Passport size photos.
Ecocity6 would also have the following Side Programs -
a.) International Symposium on Engineering Technologies & Education (Symposium 7);
b.) Workshop on Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan);
c.) International Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility;
d.) International Workshop on Ecology of Urban Visual Environment.

Please await more details on the above. You would have to Register separately for the above events.
Please do contact me for more details.

See you at Bangalore!
Warm Regards,
Rajeev Kumar
Chief Organizer, Ecocity6

Rajeev Kumar
Chief Organiser, Ecocity6, Bangalore 2006, India
Founder/CEO, Project Agastya
(+91) 98861 94776
Email :

  • [permaculture] The Sixth International Ecocity Conference (Ecocity6) Bangalore, India 3rd 6th December 2006, Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson, 11/01/2006

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