Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: "" <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Busy season?
- Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 06:53:59 +1100
I personally have not had much to say because of my:
A. Being quite busy with my full time job (Permaculture Design Consulting and Teaching)
B. It usually only respond to threads that are of specific interest to me or if I'm doing some shameless self promotion
C. I do a lot of my Permaculture correspondance on the much busier Permaculture Research Institute bulletin board ( - because one is usually able to take a thread along longer than I can on this one for some reason: again that relates to my particular spheres of interest.
The Australian-based Permaculture Oceania list serve has just this last week closed down and is apparently going to be revamped out of the Permaculture International Limited web site. It too suffered from only a moderate amount of traffic at times. Perhaps people respond better to the bulletin board format or they are more comfortable with the community there I don't know. There are a lot of very active people on this 1600+ member PRI forum.
Darren Doherty
[permaculture] Busy season?,
Jody Troupe, 10/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Busy season?,, 10/31/2006
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