Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] Landscape Architects/Environmental planners on this list?
- From: Robyn Francis <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Landscape Architects/Environmental planners on this list?
- Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:00:43 +1000
Hi Greg
While I'm not a landscape architect myself I've often been contracted in
place of a landscape architect in large design projects. I know a number of
pc designers who are qualified landscape architects here in Australia that
combine the two successfully in their career, for private clients,
eco-developers and in local government. One the advantages of Lscape Arch
studies is you get all the landscape design together with built environment
design skills.
It's good you're doing the PDC before you commence your studies, this will
provide you with an excellent framework to help you sift through the
relevance of what is being taught. Together with your Env Science degree you
could do a lot of interesting things. If possible see if you can do some
units on environmental planning as part of your Lscape Arch studies.
All the best
Pathways to sustainability through
Accredited Permaculture Training
Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre
PO Box 379 Nimbin NSW 2480
02-6689 1755 / 0429 147 138
On 3/10/06 4:27 AM, "Greg Moeser" <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering if there are any landscape architects or environmental
> planners on this list
> Have you been able to incorporate permaculture into your designs? Does your
> practice focus exclusively on ecological/sustainable design? What do you
> think of your field and do you feel you can be "part of the solution"?
> A little about me I have a BS in Env Science and am considering going to
> graduate school for landscape architecture. . I will be taking the
> permaculture design certificate shortly. I would love to hear any advice
> you have for someone in my shoes who is interested in design/planning.
> Thanks!
> Greg
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> permaculture mailing list
[permaculture] Landscape Architects/Environmental planners on this list?,
Greg Moeser, 10/02/2006
- [permaculture] Workshop: How To Grow Your Own Fodd, Forest Garden, 10/02/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Landscape Architects/Environmental planners on this list?, Keith Johnson, 10/02/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Landscape Architects/Environmental planners on this list?, Robyn Francis, 10/02/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Landscape Architects/Environmental planners on thislist?, Kevin Topek, 10/03/2006
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