Subject: permaculture
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[permaculture] Update to Help the Activist reach more people
- From: Keith Johnson <>
- To: Permaculture ibiblio <>, openpermaculture <>
- Subject: [permaculture] Update to Help the Activist reach more people
- Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2006 15:13:48 -0400
Sorry folks,
I should have been more specific. The rates quoted are targeted at North American subscribers (Canada and Mexico included). Overseas rates are $36 per year instead of $23 and so would require a different discount to prevent us from losing money in the transaction.
Overseas discounts for 10 issues for one year would be $139 (a huge $221 discount) and would take about 4-8 weeks by surface mail (see for more subscription info).
We can't really afford to send single discount subscriptions to overseas students as we have to handle each one personally instead of letting our printer slap a mailing label on. What we really need are more overseas distributors who can receive bulk shipments to supply retailers or handle subscriptions.
Please excuse my lack of clarity.
You need to know about the Activist's "group subscription" option which is 10 copies to one address for $99 for one year (more copies negotiable). This helps you share Permaculture with more people, raise our subscriber base, and maybe even allow us to start paying our writers (wouldn't that be nice?) and adding more color pages. Also, giving gift subscriptions to libraries is a VERY GOOD IDEA, as libraries generally RE-subscribe while exposing more readers to our work (and your's, too.) Don't forget to recommend back issues <> (especially full sets) to your students. We have many thousand$ of copies in inventory.
When you offer a PDC, your students can get a reduced subscription rate of $18 for the first year (IF we get at least 5 subs from one course).
Any ideas you might have to increase our revenues (like advertising, for example) will be welcome. This is YOUR magazine, too. Our success is a reflection of your success.
Keith Johnson
Permaculture Activist Magazine
PO Box 5516
Bloomington, IN 47408
(812) 335-0383
also Patterns for Abundance Design & Consulting
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- [permaculture] Update to Help the Activist reach more people, Keith Johnson, 08/06/2006
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