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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Giant grass to get larger role in energy supply -Yahoo! News

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: Claudia Joseph <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Giant grass to get larger role in energy supply -Yahoo! News
  • Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 15:53:26 -0400

Bart, Thank you for the relevant summary. How about waste digesters? They are closer to the permaculture goal of using waste as a resource. - Claudia

On May 25, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Bart Anderson wrote:

LONDON (Reuters) - Fields of swaying giant grass and patchwork patterns
of willow plantations could become common sights as Britain turns to crops
for heating and electricity to tackle the effects of global warming.

Articles like this appear regularly, with the inevitable message:

"XXX might, just might, be the solution to global warming and the energy

where XXX is:

breeder reactors
nuclear fusion
corn ethanol
elephant grass
coal sequestration
thin-film photovoltaics
palm oil
jatropha curcas tree (for bio-diesel)

Almost never do the articles mention the underlying reality -- the sheer
magnitude of our energy use cannot be sustained. The scale is just too

Other key truths that are missing:
1. The energy returned on energy invested (EROEI) for many of the proposed
processes is low. You don't get much net energy out.
2. New energy sources take tremendous amounts of capital and long periods of
time to be put into place (decades).
3. New schemes usually have a political lobby behind them, propagandizaing
and distorting the science.
4. Energy sources ALWAYS have side effects - pollution, CO2, radioactive

In the case of ethanol and bio-diesel, some of the side effects are:
1. Expansion of areas under cultivation (for example, rainforests cut down
for palm plantations)
2. Degradation of farmland due to intensive cultivation and removal of
biomass from the local cycle.
3. Raising the price of food crops.

The relevant permaculture principle is the imperative to minimize the
import/export of materials.

The problem with the barrage of new schemes is that they distract from
the ultimate solution --reducing energy use.

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