Subject: permaculture
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- From: Chris Jackson <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] weed removal
- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 07:00:32 -0700 (PDT)
I just got back from working on a Pc farm in central
Mexico where purslain has gone from "weed" back to an
edible. It was a staple before industrial farming,
but has been recently rediscovered for its good taste
and nutrition. It is now cultivated and sold in
markets, bringing a good price for very little input.
I pull (and nibble) the stuff constantly weeding at
the farm I work at in Vermont, but I now see that it
could have a potential here for sale. It's great
stirfried with onions, garlic, and tomato.
--- Brad Bossack <> wrote:
> Hey, Jill, right on!
> Yes Maureen and anyone else, it's true that harmony
> with nature and benefitting from all things,
> excellent for permaculture system mentality, is to
> learn the good of what's already there. A weed is
> only really a plant that is unwanted for not knowing
> of its goodness. Like Jill, I don't know of the
> other plants you speak of but I really needed to
> excitedly second the suggestion of Amaranth and
> Lambs Quarters as excellent edibles. The greens are
> great, super-tasty and totally nutritious...wasn't
> Amaranth a staple of the Aztecs? But additionally
> the seed they produce, is so abundant and rich and
> easy to harvest. And Lambs Quarters has this
> magical "bloom" of irredecent mineral crystals
> covering the leaves...probably some major secret
> nutrients in there. Surely, becuase these have
> "weed" status, it means they're widespread,
> tenacious and therefore grow easily, which to my
> mind is definitly a bonus. I've spent the last few
> summers regularly feeding on weeds, and it's wonder
> ful to do this kind of thing everyday in a
> sandwich...fresh chickweed with an onion and tomato
> sandwich keeps you strong. I've only had a suburban
> sized plot of land to see this in...when I soon will
> be on my acreage, I've no doubt in my mind, and all
> kinds of positive enthusiam for the notion of
> actually encouraging fieldlets of these kinds of
> plants. And it's true that with just the slightest
> bit of nurture, like non-crowding and a touch of
> love, these once-was weeds will rise into
> magnificent beasts of plenty. You can get a tree
> out of a Lambs Quarter. It even works ornamentally,
> too.
> The opposite of not seeing the beauty and
> usefullness of what naturally comes leads to poisons
> and petunias purchased from plastic boxes from
> store. This world and us has had quite enough of
> that.
> This is my first post! This list rocks!
> Brad aka EcoFreako.
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Re: [permaculture] weed removal,
Brad Bossack, 04/04/2006
- Re: [permaculture] weed removal, Chris Jackson, 04/04/2006
[permaculture] Weed removal,
Jerome Rigot, 04/04/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Weed removal, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 04/04/2006
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [permaculture] weed removal, Marimike6, 04/04/2006
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