Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] home-roasted coffee
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 00:05:24 -0400 wrote:
I missed the initial coffee post....although solar roasting sounds cool, or should I say hot, it might be a little complicated for me at the moment... I'm interested in what some of ya'll who home roast might be air popper by any chance, and has anyone found anything better?...and what about good sources for green beans?...thanks
Turkish coffee is the best tasting of all. Get an import all brass hand-crank grinder from a MidEastern import shop; its compact and portable and works flawlessly to make the fine powder required by the Turkish brewing process. Buy a largish stainless Turkish coffeepot
(has a rim around the top adjoining the pour spout). Find a heavy frying pan to roast the beans in (the French, tinned, all copper would work best and are very heavy). Roast the beans in the pan until they are LIGHT to MEDIUM TAN, let cool, grind and put in pot. Add water to pot
to fill and put it over heat. CAREFULLY bring it to the point that you can see contents start to well up prior to overflowing and going into a rolling boil - back off the heat immediately then put it back and let it well up again -0- this is what creates the froth on the top that has all the flavor -0- bring it to a near boil 3 or 4 times, no more then serve - divide the froth between all the cups to be served.
This is the way coffee should be. I learned this from a Turkish man in a rug store in nearby Carrboro NC.
A light roated bean makes really flavorful coffee. Costa Rica Dota is a good one as is Nicaraguan and some of the North African ones.
Re: [permaculture] home-roasted coffee,
Leon Hudson, 09/27/2005
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [permaculture] home-roasted coffee,
Simonjemmy, 09/27/2005
Re: [permaculture] home-roasted coffee,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/28/2005
- Re: [permaculture] home-roasted coffee, Michael Kramer, 09/29/2005
- Re: [permaculture] home-roasted coffee, neshura, 09/28/2005
Re: [permaculture] home-roasted coffee,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/28/2005
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