Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Marsha Hanzi" <>
- To: <>
- Subject: [permaculture] Marsha´s strategies in Brazil..
- Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 01:08:34 -0300
Hello Kirby,
Thank you for taking the time to make the suggestions. Actually, as I said
in my last e-mail, I have been working with agroforests for the last 11
years. REBRAF was the forerunner, but now there is a very vigorous
agroforst movement established here, thanks to the work of Ernst Gotsch, who
is our mentor and close friend...
I am not sure I will be doing earth movement on the land- I convinced the
watermelon planter( partner of the former owner, who had already plowed the
land when I bought it...) to leave the land rough, and there is no overland
runoff, thanks to weed cover and almost flat topography. I think to do it
just with vegetation, as you say. In fact the more I observe the region the
more I see that windbreaks and mulch are much more essential than contours
As to the planting area, based on a bit of information that the Fibonacci
spiral is the link between fiinity and infinity, I have laid out the
planting area in a great Fibonacci spiral (opens like a snail) -- it is
really beautiful...:-) And it DOES have the quality of turning in on
itself, thus creating protection from the winds. I will plant dwarf cashew
trees around the outer border as they are low(4-5 meters) and round, coming
down to the ground, giving close to the ideal windbreak conditions-- and
abundant production of fruit...(The rest of the agroforest will have giant
cashews, which are more resistant, huge trees, the size of mango trees in
this region...)
The house area will also be a spiral, but clockwise, whereas the planting
area is anti-clockwise...(Based on the Golden Mean)...
Having fun-- all being equal, why not?
- [permaculture] Marsha´s strategies in Brazil.., Marsha Hanzi, 09/25/2002
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