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  • From: "Jerome Osentowski" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] PC Inc.
  • Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 10:34:48 -0700

Claude, Perhaps the best way to work on getting these high-level jobs is to
work with the people we already trust and have some history working with,
doing smaller incourtry jobs. By example, John Cruickshank, Sunny John, a
solar powered moldering toilet solution, and I team up to design solar
greenhouses. John does all the technical stuff, and I do most of the
growing systems , and get most of the jobs. John also teaches at our pc
design course. This spring he will be building another Sunny John, at
CRMPI, then we go to Durango to teach a weekend workshop on Forest
Gardening, and Greenhouses where we have just helped design a new
greenhouse. The workshop will help our client get some of the guilds,
designed and planted in the new greenhouse, and existing forest garden.
Last year I had to teach the workshop by myself, With John I am looking
forward to doing only half the work. We can share travel expense and
driving and I will enjoy , and learn more from us doing this together.
John is also helping on another greenhouse design near Aspen,and will
be able to help on the instulation of the underground heating system while
he is in the area. So we can kill three birds with one stone.

On the Aspen Job they are puting in a black water greenhouse , and reedbed
system, and already have the contractor for the job. But in the future, if
another job comes up and someone on the list has the experience,
they could be included. Perhaps we could post a list of skill, and
experience of the group as a first step in working up the teams.

On a national level, there is one possible job in Pa. Niel Lenorad from Wa.
myself, Peter Bane, and Kieth Johnson are going to be working as a team.
There might be other ops of other to be involved, but it is too early to
know this.

The group sould search the net for other job possibilites. We could check
in with MUM in Fairfield . They seem to know where to find out about larger
gov. contracts. jerome

Jerome Osentowski, Director
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
PO Box 631
Basalt, CO 81621 U.S.A.

Tel/fax (970) 927-4158 E mail:

For more information, please visit our web site at <<>>

>From: Claude Genest <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [permaculture] PC Inc.
>Date: Sun, Feb 24, 2002, 11:21 AM

> If we are going to get the jobs at this level, we will
>> have to do some homework , work together to develope a team and programs
>> and be ready for the next round ; we may need several teams for different
>> regions. --
> Just my two cents to strongly support Jerome's idea of working together to
> secure high-level, paying, jobs.
> We have the talent, ability and desire - all that's missing is a veneer of
> professionalism and extremely well presented bids/ proposals.
> I'd so love to see us move up to the next level because I keep seeing others
> (engineering firms) take our ideas to market.
> Over the weekend there was an article (in French) on the fact that Quebec
> has now greenlighted reedbed systems for blackwater and some company is
> charging nearly 6000 US to put in a system EXACTLY like the one I put in
> last summer for 1500 !! ( to add insult to injury this same company claims
> that they invented the technology !)
> Claude
>> jerome
>> Jerome Osentowski, Director
>> Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
>> PO Box 631
>> Basalt, CO 81621 U.S.A.
>> Tel/fax (970) 927-4158 E mail:
>> For more information, please visit our web site at <<>>
>> ----------
>>> From: 1earth permaculture <>
>>> To: "" <>
>>> Subject: [permaculture] Re: Corporate pc?
>>> Date: Sat, Feb 23, 2002, 9:10 PM
>>> Jeffrey wrote:
>>>>> Could this be a significant example of pc at the corporate
>>> architectural level?
>>> Thanks for that posting Jeff - reading that was the high point of my
>>> morning surf :)))))))
>>> So even the Ford Motor Co is waking up to the fact that its easier to
>>> work with nature rather than against it.
>>> Examples like that really show that people have far more in common
>>> than they have differences - all that's needed is the time to sit
>>> down, work out the common goals and objectives and then share
>>> information. They will listen if one speaks the corporate language (eg
>>> yield, benefits, resource auditing, 'profit' centers, etc)
>>> Ironically, PC often talks in those terms anyways!
>>> The catch cry of the 'green business' movement could be "Do good while
>>> your doing well!"
>>> Marcus
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  • Re: [permaculture] PC Inc., Jerome Osentowski, 02/25/2002

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