Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To:
- Subject: Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 2
- Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 23:43:29 -0400
Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Dragonfly Market Gardens -
Title: Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 2
![]() ![]() Botany and Fieldbiology Sites page 2An extensive list of URLs related to systematic botany, biodiversity, ecology and biological fieldwork. Completeness is not the aim, content and quality is. European sites are especially encouraged to present themselves. This second page of the Botany related URLs puts more emphasis on the word related. IndexBiodiversity, Ecosystems, Nature Conservation
Rain Forests
Single Taxon Sites: Animals
Marine Biology
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Environment / Milieu
- Zeer informatieve site, nieuws en akties. Ook een link naar Friends of the Earth International where you'll find more international (electronic) addresses.
Milieu-loket / (alt.)
- In dit loket vindt u eerstelijns informatie over milieukwesties. Daarnaast leest u hoe burgers, bedrijven en overheid die problemen kunnen voorkomen of oplossen. Ook een pagina van de MilieuTelefoon van Milieudefensie, die tevens email kan ontvangen.
Aktie Strohalm
- Over LET b.v., een vorm van parallelle ruilhandel.
Greenpeace International
- Updates on activities, information, library, etc.
Greenpeace Nederland
- Laatste nieuws, voorlichting, winkel etc.
World Resources Institute (WRI)
- WRI is really doing something here for the quality and quantity of the info on Internet. And more so for mother earth. The Biodiversity page is just one example.
Envirolink Network
- Impressive. Try the "Environmental Education Network", or read on-line newspapers like
The Ecolink Journal
Environmental Action News (EAN)
Not in newspaper form, but a lot of news, archives, etc.
Environment News Service (ENS)
Daily international env. news, also possible by e-mail
Dioxin Homepage
See below COPA's PCB Clearinghouse / (Alt)
- A personal interest site, see the Diemerzeedijk page. Very good links here on this subject, including Dioxin. COPA = Coalition Opposed to PCB Ash (in Monroe County Inc.)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- UNEP's mandate is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. The executive Centre in Geneva gives info on existing conventions like on transport of chemicals, climate change, CITES, migratory species, etc. You might also visit the regional office for Europe, and from Arendal in Norway comes GRID, the Global Resource Information Database. Also good info on the Ozon layer for Europe there.
CITES Home Page
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (in case you wondered). Very informative, only the plant species list is not on-line yet (7/97)...
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Starting point for an extensive exporation of, well, not the best parts of the US...
Foundation for a Sustainable Suriname
- Stichting voor een Schoon Suriname (SvSS). "Within the framework of social-economic development and poverty relief in Suriname, the SvSS intends to offer a constructive contribution to the protection of the natural environment and the fragile balance between humans, plants and animals." Good website. Read clippings from recent newspapers and archives.
Biopolitics International Organisation
- Environmental publications with contributions from Leading Experts in 86 countries around the world.
State of the Earth
- Environmental problems & news wich we have to deal with. Nature, but also earthquakes, floods, vulcano eruptions, tropical storms, etc. Here's a shortcut to the English language main index, or here to the Nederlandstalige hoofdindex.
WWF Global Network
- The World Wildlife Fund Web site: 14,000 beautiful and informative pages !
Wereld Natuur Fonds
- Ook veel info. Helaas weinig verdere links, zie hierboven voor de wereldwijde website
Actie "Blad voor blad"
- Van het WNF, een aktie voor minder papierverbruik in kantoren. Er zijn al 129 deelnemende organisaties.
Grengewald (Luxembourg)
- An ancient forest threatened by the buidling of a highway, the "Nordstroos".
Doors of Perception 3: On Matter
- Doors of Perception is an event organized by a design institute. This one was about information technology and consumption of matter and energy. It took place in Amsterdam, but discussions, workshops will continue on the Web
Eco Travels in Latin America
- Beautiful site with environmental info and travel resources, a newsletter, etc. Also a Spanish and a German language version.
- More Links
Environmental Organization WebDirectory
- A very large one on environment, also related stuff like botany, and a search field
Adirondack Aquatic Institute
- Links to Other Environmental Data & Resources (US oriented)
Environment /
Milieu op het WWW
- By the Belgian Refuse Processing Agency / de Openbare Vlaamse Afvalverwerkingsmaatschappij (OVAM). Some good European links
Environment page in Australia
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More Biology
Sites that are clearly outside our scope of systematic botany or field biology, but were too good to resist. A small but exquise selection...
The Virtual Cell
- Zoom in on an image of a living plant cell. Turn it around, highlight a detail, before you know it you're looking at individual molecules!
- DerBrowser is a genomic map display tool in Java. A beautiful sight to have a model of a DNA molecule rotating on your screen, or to see a screen of a DNA sequencing application and you can actually press the buttons :-)
The Plant Photobiology Notes
- By Pedro J. Aphalo. All about the influence of light on plants. Photoperiodicity, photosynthesis, growth hormones. Different lamps and light sources, films and filters are tested, spectograms shown. Also on UV light, influence on the ozon layer. And much more.
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Biology Education
Of course all of the the previously mentioned sites can also be used in teaching, but the sites here do not clearly fit in those other groups, and the educative value is prominent.
The Natural History Museum
- in London. Much to see and learn there. Personally I like the page about Darwin's house (Down House), the museum is supporting a fund-raise for it's renovation. Also a "virtual reality" project around Trilobites.
Teyler's Museum (en.) /
Teylers Museum (nl)
- A magnificent little museum of a museum in Haarlem, Holland. 18, 19th Century natural history in original setting. Electrification machine from 1784, with a battery of Leyden Jars - what the hell did they do with electricity back in those days (please tell me). The infamous 'Homo diluviensis' - in fact a giant salamander, and much, much more.
Botany Education /
Botanie Educatief
- Chez Marco's Plant Picture pages: Tropical Rainforest (with sounds too), Wasteland Flora near Amsterdam (Diemerzeedijk), and more
- A German
initiative to support scientific environmental projects. Some of the projects are sponsored by the Comenius - Socrates action.
All WfS participants are invited to join these projects. Students do fieldwork and use freely downloadable software, which is partly in English.
Some of the software is also available in Dutch language version,
het Cals College heeft er al mee gewerkt.
Natuur en Milieu-project voor de tweede fase
- Internet-zoektocht in het kader van Natuur en Milieu Educatie. Met behulp van aanwijzingen van de docent, kunnen leerlingen zelfstandig (in groepjes) het internet verkennen. Het doel: Het maken van een eigen werkstuk / presentatie.
- Canadian project to collect educative material in a giant database. So far they are concentrating on images - and they already have a lot, mostly animal species tho.
Aad van der Zee, Biologiedocent
- Een servicepagina voor biologiedocenten. In opzet dan: lever s.v.p. uw bijdragen! Video's, Practica, Teksten, Literatuurlijsten...
Rainforest Workshop Home Page
- A variety of educational information on temperate and tropical rainforests - including lesson plans for teachers to use
Natural Perspective
- The material here is organized according to the biological principles of classification: Plantae, Fungi, Animalia, Protoctista, Biosphere. Per kingdom info about lower taxa.
A Survey of the Plant Kingdoms
- Study the plant kingdoms on-line. Again a taxonomical tree structure, with good info on Order level. The presented classification of higher plants (herbacious and woody) is only one view though, not generally accepted. And the pages about plant anatomy need some work I think...
Evolution of Crop Plants
- Where did agriculture originate and when? How were plants modified as a consequence of cultivation? A series of lectures by Paul Gepts, Gepts Lab, University of California, Davis. There is some contents, but it's mainly a lesson plan, with references to literature, short notes.
- More Links
The Pages of Biology
- Tasteful page with educational links to sites covering all sections of Biology. The Italian version sounds good too: La Pagina della Biologia.
Bronnen op het Internet - Biologie
- Van de vakgroep Didaktiek Natuurkunde aan de UvA. Een lijstje bio-sites: planten, genetica, zoogdieren, en een hele mooie site met foto's van eencelligen (electronenmicroscoop)
Educational Botany Links
- At the EDU2 ? pages: a collection of educational web sites
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Books, Publications (on paper and on-line)
Wesselman Books: Botany
- A list of botany books, both Dutch and international / On-line Antiquariaat
Balogh Scientific Books
- A very informative site, great botany books too (plus zoology, ecology, geology)
De Vegetatie van Nederland
- Schaminée, J.H.J., Stortelder, A.H.F. & Westhoff, V., 1995. Een systematisch overzicht van de plantengemeenschappen op basis van hun floristische samenstelling. Also an English version
Stichting Jeugdbondsuitgeverij
- Over natuurstudie, druk op "determinatietabellen" !
Seeds of Life / Grains de Vie
- Françoise Brenckmann wrote a book about seeds, with beautiful artistic photos. Now she is looking for a publisher... And a reward is put up when you can identify an unknown seed. Both links above go to France, or use the server in Québec (Fr. / En.), or the mirror in Italy (Fr. / En.).
Evolution of Crop Plants
- Where did agriculture originate and when? Where did our major crops originate? How were plants modified as a consequence of cultivation? A series of lectures.
- Website of this authoritative scientific magazine
- Vlaams tijdschrift en website voor "Outdoor Adventure Travel". Ook veel over natuurgebieden.
- Laatste nummers van dit maandblad, inhoudsopgave.
World Journal Club Home Page
- Publishing scientific results on the web and appending reviewer's comments to these web pages: how-to. Netiquette.
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
- HomePage of Michael Moore, Director. Herb manuals, and many, many plant images and illustrations
Journal of Vegetation Science
- Official organ of the International Association for Vegetation Science
The Association for Tropical Biology (ATB)
- Promotes research and the exchange of ideas among biologists working in tropical environments. The journal Biotropica and newsletter Tropinet, and much more.
- Manage your scientific literature collection and searches done with Medline and Current Contents. Developed by a scientist for scientists. It has evolved through the necessities of academic life. Demo-version can be downloaded.
PowerRef 1.1
- A powerful and easy-to-use bibliographic reference managing software. You can define unlimited reference types to manage references of journals, books, patents, software, reports, and more. You can attach any graphics or files to records.
Taxacom Listserv Archive
- Message collection of this taxonomy mailing list. All you ever wanted to know about... (use your 'Find' button)
BioSci / BioNet
- Info about these newsgroups, links to their achives and databases
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Schools, Universities, Teaching
The School Page
Het OnderwijsWeb
- A service to Dutch schools on the Web, by the Ministry of Education
University of Amsterdam - Biology
University of Utrecht
- Theoretical Biology in Utrecht is advanced in Artificial Life. Waiting for their Website....
University of Groningen: Biologie
De Digitale School
- Een school op het Internet, waar echte scholen aan kunnen deelnemen.
Het Molenschip
- Tehuis van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs voor kinderen waarvan de ouders geen vaste verblijfplaats hebben (Evergem, België). Also English language pages. The pupils from group 1 expose their artwork on the Internet, from this beautiful page.
Lerarenopleiding Biologie
- Lesmateriaal, repetitieopgaven, informatie over de universitaire lerarenopleiding en informatie over de net afgestudeerde docenten
The Education Index
- An extensive list of links.
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- Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 2, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/14/1997
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