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permaculture - Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 2

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 2
  • Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 23:43:29 -0400

Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Dragonfly Market Gardens -
Title: Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 2

Botany and Fieldbiology Sites page 2

An extensive list of URLs related to systematic botany, biodiversity, ecology and biological fieldwork. Completeness is not the aim, content and quality is. European sites are especially encouraged to present themselves.

This second page of the Botany related URLs puts more emphasis on the word related.


Page 1: Botany Proper Navigation Center
Botany Institutes, Herbaria, etc. Navigatie Centrum
Gardens (Botanic or otherwise)
Single Area Sites News, Travel, Culture Links
Single Taxon Sites: Plants Botany Education
Species lists, databases, images Botanie Educatief
Medical, Culinary, Ethnobotany, Herbs Search the WWW
Top of This Page (pg 2):
Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Nature Conservation Fieldbiology Software
Rain Forests Veldbiologische Software
Single Taxon Sites: Animals Key to Symbols
Marine Biology
Environment / Milieu
More Biology
Biology Education
Books, Publications (on paper / on-line)
Schools, Universities, Teaching

Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Nature Conservation

European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC)
A Network of Nature Conservation Institutes in Europe. The site is a gate to a huge amount of information. List institutes by country, find out who is working on a particular species, get a list of available free slides of European wild plants, etc. Also the home of LYNX, "A Special Interest Network on Ecological Networks" - the virtual library there is again a passage to - well - check it out!
Biodiversity and Ecosystems NEtwork
The BENE homepage
American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT)
About, Newsletter, Membership, Monographs, etc.
European Science Foundation (ESF) / Systematic Biology
The goal of the ESF Systematic Biology Network is to strengthen systematic biology by promoting communication between systematists in Europe
Base de Dados Tropical (BDT)
Bioinformatics facility in Brasil. Home of the Biodiversity Information Network, BIN21.
Taxacom Listserv Archive
Message collection of this taxonomy mailing list. All you ever wanted to know about... (use your 'Find' button)
Ecological Research Station of Uppsala University (Oland, Sweden)
Both in Swedish and English, links to related biological stations
Journal of Vegetation Science
Official organ of the International Association for Vegetation Science
De Vegetatie van Nederland
Schaminée, J.H.J., Stortelder, A.H.F. & Westhoff, V., 1995. Een systematisch overzicht van de plantengemeenschappen op basis van hun floristische samenstelling. Also an English version
Chez Marco's Fieldbiology Pages /
      Chez Marco's Veldbiologische Pagina's
Fieldbiology software, picture pages of wild plants, Green Agenda, Bulletin Board, etc.
Stichting Jeugdbondsuitgeverij
Over natuurstudie, druk op "determinatietabellen" !
Meer een agenda van wat er momenteel in het land zoal te doen is aan uitstapjes en werkzaamheden.
IVN, Vereniging voor Natuur- en Milieueducatie
Info over de vereniging, winkel, bieb. Helaas weinig inhoudelijks over de natuur.
NJN, Nederlandse Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie
Nog wat grijs, maar een beelbelovende site. Verenigingsnieuws, maar kijk ook even bij Projecten!
KNNV Afdeling Zaanstreek
In afwachting van de landelijke Site. Maar als je in de streek bent... Uitstapje?
A resource for conservation professionals (volunteer or not :-). Based in UK, good links too
Matthew's Nature Page
Info and links to all kinds of nature and fieldwork topics: ornithology, entomology, etc.
Fresh Water Biology / Ole Pedersen
Personal homepage with abstracts of publications (The Freshwater Biological Laboratory - University of Copenhagen)
Zur Ökologie von Fledermäusen in Mitteleuropäischen Städten
Verfaßt von Tiemo Redel, Freie Universität Berlin.
Also an abstract in English: Ecology of bats in Middle European cities.
Earthwatch International
Many projects around the world, where students can join and do ecology fieldwork. Click on the first image of this page to see the list. Earthwatch claims to be non-profit, so don't expect them to pay for your work, au contraire mon amie...
Life Cycles / Phenology Home Page
Blooming wildflowers, migrating birds, spawning fish, flashing fireflies, thunderstorms, falling leaves, harvest moons, rutting deer, frozen ponds, birth and death are all part of the cycles of life that we experience each year. Keeping track of cyclical events like these from year to year (which in a large part is what phenology is about) can be both entertaining and educational for young and old alike.
Biological Resources Division - USGS
In the USA. Before you know it, you disappear over the horizon in the prairie, or -wherever.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Again, good clickable maps of the US. Also more general about wetlands.
Expertcenter for Taxonomic Identification (ETI)
Cooperating experts all over the world collect taxonomic data in a giant database. They also produce CD-ROMs of taxonomic groups for wider use. Like "Birds of Europe" and many more: look at the list!
DEscriptive Language for TAxonomy. Software to make your own identification program with. Nice listing and descriptions of plant families in that Web site too!
More Links
Phylogenetics Resources
Phylogenetics, that's that other branch of systematics, next to taxonomy. It studies evolutionary relationships between and within taxonomic groups of organisms, lines of descent, etc.
Ecology sites
In the scientific sense (Univ. of Lyon, France)
Good info and references, but mainly for the US, good link-lists, also for plant photos
Fieldbiology Software Checklist /
      Veldbiologische Software Checklist
Much more software (descriptions and links) in this Chez Marco's page


Rain Forests

World Resources Institute (WRI)
WRI makes a real significant contribution to the quality and quantity of the on-line info on the Internet here. Publications on Forest Resources is only one of their many pages. Personally I like Backs to the Wall in Suriname, there, but there's lots more.
Gaia Forest Conservation Archives / (Alt.)
Specialising in Papua New Guinea, but also global: FTP archives of articles on Forests, Campain news, etc.
Rainforest Action Network
Background info and hotnews on mainly the South American Rainforests, and its inhabitants. Also things for the kids.
Very beautiful website on the conservation of the Rainforest
Brasil, the Atlantic Rainforest
Info on different projects by the Base de Dados Tropical (BDT).
The Rainforest in Suriname / Regenwoud in Suriname (URL updated)
Educative short story with links to pictures and sounds: multimedia!
Foundation for a Sustainable Suriname
Stichting voor een Schoon Suriname (SvSS). "Within the framework of social-economic development and poverty relief in Suriname, the SvSS intends to offer a constructive contribution to the protection of the natural environment and the fragile balance between humans, plants and animals." Good website. Read clippings from recent newspapers and archives.
Rainforest Medical
Rainforest Medical Foundation (RMF) makes an inventory of medicinal plants in the rainforest, promotes these medicins, stimulates further development, and sees to it that the local population also benefits. The opening page of this site is in Dutch, but just click on a topic and you will find English summaries
The Rainforest - Pharmacy of the World. Commercial pages, but very well done. Very informative, list of medicinal plant species in the Amazon region, and a very good links list.
Plants of the Machiguenga
An ethnobotanical study of Eastern Peru. The neurologist Dr. Ethan Russo spent two months in Peru's rainforest looking for plants to treat headaches. You'll find photos of the plants he gathered here, along with botanical and medicinal information about them. You'll also find photos of birds and people.
Colors of the Rainforest
August '95 edition of the EcoWeb Journal: about the Tropical Rainforest
The Association for Tropical Biology (ATB)
Promotes research and the exchange of ideas among biologists working in tropical environments. The journal Biotropica and newsletter Tropinet, and much more.
Rain Forest Materials
A writer quotes different other authors on "rainforest", links to on-line articles, subscribe info about rainforest mailing lists. Tasteful site!
Rainforest Workshop Home Page
A variety of educational information on temperate and tropical rainforests - including lesson plans for teachers to use
World Class, about Costa Rica
"World Class, Adventures in Education" It deals mainly with student expeditions to Costa Rica. A bit commercial, but the point is: this is what makes Costa Rica special. Finding alternative ways to make the forest productive: ecotourism, scientific research
Suriname Jungle Tours
And on-line you can sample some Virtual Jungle Tours!
Snakes, Lizards, Frogs from Suriname
A very nice photo collection on FTP, hosted at the Complete Guide to Suriname
Good Green Fun!
Music and Forest Ecology For Children of All Ages: songs about tropical and temperate forests
Belize Audubon Society - Rainforest Rescue gift shop
An on-line gift shop which raises funds for the Belize Audubon Society used for the management of land, island, and mangrove reserves in Belize.
More Links
Rainforest Pages
Links about the Amazone forest and also Central America.


Single Taxon Sites: Animals

Animals, Animals, Animals
Sea Otters, Gray Wolf, Koala, Cheetah, African Elephant, Pigs, Black Bear, Wildlife Links, Animals, Animals, Animals Chat, Animal and Enviromental Poems, Tips on the Enviroment and Animals...
African Wildlife
A WWW resource. Basically a list of animal species, mammals, taxonomically grouped. Here and there longer descriptions of these species and higher taxons, sometimes with picture.
Zur Ökologie von Fledermäusen in Mitteleuropäischen Städten
Verfaßt von Tiemo Redel, Freie Universität Berlin.
Also an abstract in English: Ecology of bats in Middle European cities.
Scricciolo - Italian Ornithological Web Site
Scricciolo rappresenta la prima 'Web Page' italiana a disposizione di tutti gli ornitologi e ornicoltori. Italian entry point to the WWW of birding information.
Société pour l'Etude et la Protection des Oiseaux en Limousin
La SEPOL est le relais ornithologique régional d'organismes scientifiques nationaux et internationaux.
Vogelkundliche Beobachtungsstation Untermain (VBU)
Unser Verein hat seinen Sitz in Bergen-Enkheim im Osten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main und besteht seit 1924. Vereinsdaten und auch Exkursions-Artenlisten (Kranich-Frühjahrszug).
Atualidades Ornitológicas (AO)
Brasilian birds (bilingual site). Issues from a magazine, and the SERVIÇOS link opens up a wealth of regional information.
Birds in Suriname / Vogels in Suriname
A book and a website. Introduction with description of landscapes (coast, swamps, gardens, rivers), the birdnames linked to descriptions with images, sometimes sounds too. Also more systematic info (lists). Well done! If you don't have frames, please use this entry / NL.
Birding on the Web / (Alt.)
EuroNet Interest Links: Birds
Reptiles and Amphibians
The International Gecko Society
The International Gecko Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the study of geckos and dissemination of information about them. The I.G.S. is global in scope with worldwide membership.
Mike's Herpetocultural Home Page
Froggy Page
Sea fishes of the North Sea
At the Fisheries Research Station / Rijksstation voor Zeevisserij (RvZ) in Belgium.
Nederlandse Zoetwatervissen
Adressen van RAVON-afdelingen en andere vissen-inventariseergroepen (RAVON = Stichting Reptielen, Amfibieën en Vissen Onderzoek Nederland)
Dutch Butterfly WWW Pages / (Alt.) (URLs updated)
Beautiful website about the butterflies in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg (BeNeLux). Here a shortcut to the graphics supporting homepage, and here you go directly to the Latin version, or to the Dutch version of the Butterfly List.
Society for the Research on Butterflies / Vlinderwerkgroep Friesland
Natuurlijk het benodigde verenigingsnieuws, maar er is meer. Info over vlindergroepen, recente waarnemingen, zelf waarnemingen rapporteren (ha - echt interactief), goede links.
The Butterfly Traders' Site
You can enter species that you have for trading, as well as enter lists of species you'd like to have from other parts of the world.
Gordon's Entomological Home Page
Many pages about just any group of Insects, well done too, like this one about Dragon Flies / Libellen (Odonata)
The Dutch Odonet / Het Libellennet
Het Libellennet is voortgekomen uit het Libellenproject van de NJN (samen met JNM, NLO en EIS). De recente waarnemingen zullen steeds ververst worden, zodat iedereen op de hoogte kan blijven van de stand van zaken. Ook een formulier voor melden van waarnemingen.
Entomology Index of Internet Resources
At Iowa State University
Other Arthropods
Arachnology (Spiders)
At the University of Antwerp
Crabs found in Belgian waters
At the Fisheries Research Station / Rijksstation voor Zeevisserij (RvZ).
Dave's Tarantula Page
A few dozen species with photos, and a description of how to keep them
The Lyme Disease Network
All about that treacherous infection brought about by ticks - every fieldworker should be aware of this
The Scorpion Emporium
Scorpions from all over the world, and on-line identification of North American species. Also have a look at the Scorpion Du Jour (Bon Appetit :-)!
Trilobite homepage
And you thought Dino's were scary ?
Mixed Taxa
Links to Zoo's all over the world, and to other animal related sites
Expertcenter for Taxonomic Identification - (ETI)
Cooperating experts all over the world collect taxonomic data in a giant database. They also produce CD-ROMs of taxonomic groups for wider use. Like "Birds of Europe" and many more: look at the list!


Marine Biology
Of the North Atlantic ocean and the European seas

Fisheries Research Station / Rijksstation voor Zeevisserij (RvZ)
From Belgium. Loads of on-line publications, nice pages on fishes and crabs, good further links.
Irish Marine Institute
With a Datacentre that provides easy-to-use, sophisticated graphical database applications.


Environment / Milieu

Zeer informatieve site, nieuws en akties. Ook een link naar Friends of the Earth International where you'll find more international (electronic) addresses.
Milieu-loket / (alt.)
In dit loket vindt u eerstelijns informatie over milieukwesties. Daarnaast leest u hoe burgers, bedrijven en overheid die problemen kunnen voorkomen of oplossen. Ook een pagina van de MilieuTelefoon van Milieudefensie, die tevens email kan ontvangen.
Aktie Strohalm
Over LET b.v., een vorm van parallelle ruilhandel.
Greenpeace International
Updates on activities, information, library, etc.
Greenpeace Nederland
Laatste nieuws, voorlichting, winkel etc.
World Resources Institute (WRI)
WRI is really doing something here for the quality and quantity of the info on Internet. And more so for mother earth. The Biodiversity page is just one example.
Envirolink Network
Impressive. Try the "Environmental Education Network", or read on-line newspapers like
The Ecolink Journal
Environmental Action News (EAN)
    Not in newspaper form, but a lot of news, archives, etc.
Environment News Service (ENS)
    Daily international env. news, also possible by e-mail
Dioxin Homepage
    See below
COPA's PCB Clearinghouse / (Alt)
A personal interest site, see the Diemerzeedijk page. Very good links here on this subject, including Dioxin. COPA = Coalition Opposed to PCB Ash (in Monroe County Inc.)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UNEP's mandate is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. The executive Centre in Geneva gives info on existing conventions like on transport of chemicals, climate change, CITES, migratory species, etc. You might also visit the regional office for Europe, and from Arendal in Norway comes GRID, the Global Resource Information Database. Also good info on the Ozon layer for Europe there.
CITES Home Page
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (in case you wondered). Very informative, only the plant species list is not on-line yet (7/97)...
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Starting point for an extensive exporation of, well, not the best parts of the US...
Foundation for a Sustainable Suriname
Stichting voor een Schoon Suriname (SvSS). "Within the framework of social-economic development and poverty relief in Suriname, the SvSS intends to offer a constructive contribution to the protection of the natural environment and the fragile balance between humans, plants and animals." Good website. Read clippings from recent newspapers and archives.
Biopolitics International Organisation
Environmental publications with contributions from Leading Experts in 86 countries around the world.
State of the Earth
Environmental problems & news wich we have to deal with. Nature, but also earthquakes, floods, vulcano eruptions, tropical storms, etc. Here's a shortcut to the English language main index, or here to the Nederlandstalige hoofdindex.
WWF Global Network
The World Wildlife Fund Web site: 14,000 beautiful and informative pages !
Wereld Natuur Fonds
Ook veel info. Helaas weinig verdere links, zie hierboven voor de wereldwijde website
Actie "Blad voor blad"
Van het WNF, een aktie voor minder papierverbruik in kantoren. Er zijn al 129 deelnemende organisaties.
Grengewald (Luxembourg)
An ancient forest threatened by the buidling of a highway, the "Nordstroos".
Doors of Perception 3: On Matter
Doors of Perception is an event organized by a design institute. This one was about information technology and consumption of matter and energy. It took place in Amsterdam, but discussions, workshops will continue on the Web
Eco Travels in Latin America
Beautiful site with environmental info and travel resources, a newsletter, etc. Also a Spanish and a German language version.
More Links
Environmental Organization WebDirectory
A very large one on environment, also related stuff like botany, and a search field
Adirondack Aquatic Institute
Links to Other Environmental Data & Resources (US oriented)
Environment / Milieu op het WWW
By the Belgian Refuse Processing Agency / de Openbare Vlaamse Afvalverwerkingsmaatschappij (OVAM). Some good European links
Environment page in Australia


More Biology

Sites that are clearly outside our scope of systematic botany or field biology, but were too good to resist. A small but exquise selection...

The Virtual Cell
Zoom in on an image of a living plant cell. Turn it around, highlight a detail, before you know it you're looking at individual molecules!
DerBrowser is a genomic map display tool in Java. A beautiful sight to have a model of a DNA molecule rotating on your screen, or to see a screen of a DNA sequencing application and you can actually press the buttons :-)
The Plant Photobiology Notes
By Pedro J. Aphalo. All about the influence of light on plants. Photoperiodicity, photosynthesis, growth hormones. Different lamps and light sources, films and filters are tested, spectograms shown. Also on UV light, influence on the ozon layer. And much more.


Biology Education

Of course all of the the previously mentioned sites can also be used in teaching, but the sites here do not clearly fit in those other groups, and the educative value is prominent.

The Natural History Museum
in London. Much to see and learn there. Personally I like the page about Darwin's house (Down House), the museum is supporting a fund-raise for it's renovation. Also a "virtual reality" project around Trilobites.
Teyler's Museum (en.) / Teylers Museum (nl)
A magnificent little museum of a museum in Haarlem, Holland. 18, 19th Century natural history in original setting. Electrification machine from 1784, with a battery of Leyden Jars - what the hell did they do with electricity back in those days (please tell me). The infamous 'Homo diluviensis' - in fact a giant salamander, and much, much more.
Botany Education / Botanie Educatief
Chez Marco's Plant Picture pages: Tropical Rainforest (with sounds too), Wasteland Flora near Amsterdam (Diemerzeedijk), and more
A German initiative to support scientific environmental projects. Some of the projects are sponsored by the Comenius - Socrates action. All WfS participants are invited to join these projects. Students do fieldwork and use freely downloadable software, which is partly in English. Some of the software is also available in Dutch language version, het Cals College heeft er al mee gewerkt.
Natuur en Milieu-project voor de tweede fase
Internet-zoektocht in het kader van Natuur en Milieu Educatie. Met behulp van aanwijzingen van de docent, kunnen leerlingen zelfstandig (in groepjes) het internet verkennen. Het doel: Het maken van een eigen werkstuk / presentatie.
Canadian project to collect educative material in a giant database. So far they are concentrating on images - and they already have a lot, mostly animal species tho.
Aad van der Zee, Biologiedocent
Een servicepagina voor biologiedocenten. In opzet dan: lever s.v.p. uw bijdragen! Video's, Practica, Teksten, Literatuurlijsten...
Rainforest Workshop Home Page
A variety of educational information on temperate and tropical rainforests - including lesson plans for teachers to use
Natural Perspective
The material here is organized according to the biological principles of classification: Plantae, Fungi, Animalia, Protoctista, Biosphere. Per kingdom info about lower taxa.
A Survey of the Plant Kingdoms
Study the plant kingdoms on-line. Again a taxonomical tree structure, with good info on Order level. The presented classification of higher plants (herbacious and woody) is only one view though, not generally accepted. And the pages about plant anatomy need some work I think...
Evolution of Crop Plants
Where did agriculture originate and when? How were plants modified as a consequence of cultivation? A series of lectures by Paul Gepts, Gepts Lab, University of California, Davis. There is some contents, but it's mainly a lesson plan, with references to literature, short notes.
More Links
The Pages of Biology
Tasteful page with educational links to sites covering all sections of Biology. The Italian version sounds good too: La Pagina della Biologia.
Bronnen op het Internet - Biologie
Van de vakgroep Didaktiek Natuurkunde aan de UvA. Een lijstje bio-sites: planten, genetica, zoogdieren, en een hele mooie site met foto's van eencelligen (electronenmicroscoop)
Educational Botany Links
At the EDU2 ? pages: a collection of educational web sites


Books, Publications (on paper and on-line)

Wesselman Books: Botany
A list of botany books, both Dutch and international / On-line Antiquariaat
Balogh Scientific Books
A very informative site, great botany books too (plus zoology, ecology, geology)
De Vegetatie van Nederland
Schaminée, J.H.J., Stortelder, A.H.F. & Westhoff, V., 1995. Een systematisch overzicht van de plantengemeenschappen op basis van hun floristische samenstelling. Also an English version
Stichting Jeugdbondsuitgeverij
Over natuurstudie, druk op "determinatietabellen" !
Seeds of Life / Grains de Vie
Françoise Brenckmann wrote a book about seeds, with beautiful artistic photos. Now she is looking for a publisher... And a reward is put up when you can identify an unknown seed. Both links above go to France, or use the server in Québec (Fr. / En.), or the mirror in Italy (Fr. / En.).
Evolution of Crop Plants
Where did agriculture originate and when? Where did our major crops originate? How were plants modified as a consequence of cultivation? A series of lectures.
Website of this authoritative scientific magazine
Vlaams tijdschrift en website voor "Outdoor • Adventure • Travel". Ook veel over natuurgebieden.
Laatste nummers van dit maandblad, inhoudsopgave.
World Journal Club Home Page
Publishing scientific results on the web and appending reviewer's comments to these web pages: how-to. Netiquette.
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
HomePage of Michael Moore, Director. Herb manuals, and many, many plant images and illustrations
Journal of Vegetation Science
Official organ of the International Association for Vegetation Science
The Association for Tropical Biology (ATB)
Promotes research and the exchange of ideas among biologists working in tropical environments. The journal Biotropica and newsletter Tropinet, and much more.
Manage your scientific literature collection and searches done with Medline and Current Contents. Developed by a scientist for scientists. It has evolved through the necessities of academic life. Demo-version can be downloaded.
PowerRef 1.1
A powerful and easy-to-use bibliographic reference managing software. You can define unlimited reference types to manage references of journals, books, patents, software, reports, and more. You can attach any graphics or files to records.
Taxacom Listserv Archive
Message collection of this taxonomy mailing list. All you ever wanted to know about... (use your 'Find' button)
BioSci / BioNet
Info about these newsgroups, links to their achives and databases
More Links
IDB - Journals, Book, Literature Databases, Publishers


Schools, Universities, Teaching

The School Page
Het OnderwijsWeb
A service to Dutch schools on the Web, by the Ministry of Education
University of Amsterdam - Biology
University of Utrecht
Theoretical Biology in Utrecht is advanced in Artificial Life. Waiting for their Website....
University of Groningen: Biologie
De Digitale School
Een school op het Internet, waar echte scholen aan kunnen deelnemen.
Het Molenschip
Tehuis van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs voor kinderen waarvan de ouders geen vaste verblijfplaats hebben (Evergem, België). Also English language pages. The pupils from group 1 expose their artwork on the Internet, from this beautiful page.
Lerarenopleiding Biologie
Lesmateriaal, repetitieopgaven, informatie over de universitaire lerarenopleiding en informatie over de net afgestudeerde docenten
The Education Index
An extensive list of links.

Index Page 1

Last update: 10 Sept. 1997

  • Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 2, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/14/1997

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